

海问刘洋律师主讲律商联讯网络研讨会 解读内地判决和仲裁裁决在香港的执行

Haiwen Edward Liu delivers insightful LexisNexis webinar on enforcing Mainland judgments and awards in HK

On 7 June 2024, LexisNexis hosted a highly informative webinar on "Enforcing Mainland Civil and Commercial Judgments and Arbitral Awards in Hong Kong". The event featured an insightful presentation by Mr. Edward Liu, Partner at Haiwen & Partners LLP, which was attended by about 200 in-house counsel and private practice lawyers.


这件网站专题座谈会为找到能够 《观于在澳门与澳门很大行ဣ政管理区司法局双方肯定和实施民民商民事案件终审朝廷判决书的确定》在澳门申批实施在澳门民民商终审朝廷判决书的借款人人保证了选用ꩲ监督。该确定于2026年一月29日开始履行,幅度括展了在澳门司法局终审朝廷判决书在澳门能够实施的范围内。

The webinar provided practical guidance to creditors seeking to navigate the newly implemented the Arrangement on Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters by the Courts of the Mainland and of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The Arrangement, which took effect on January 29, 2024, has significantly expanded the scope for Mainland court judgments to be enforced in Hong Kong.

Mr. Liu, a leading dispute resolution lawyer, based on his extensive experience delivered a comprehensive and insightful presentation that addressed the key procedural steps involved in applying for the recognition and enforcement of a Mainland judgment in Hong Kong. He also provided practical tips on effectively enforcing Mainland arbitral awards in Hong Kong.
Attendees were highly impressed by Mr. Liu's in-depth knowledge and ability to provide clear, actionable guidance. "Mr. Liu's sharing was an invaluable resource for creditors seeking to navigate the new Mainland-Hong Kong judgment enforcement landscape," said one attendee. "His expertise and practical guidance were instrumental in helping us understand the nuances of this important development. In particular, he clarified concerns and misconceptions, and strengthened our confidence in Hong Kong's legal and business efficiency."
"The implementation of the relevant arrangements on enforcement of Mainland civil and commercial judgments and arbitral awards in Hong Kong is a significant development, and it is crucial for creditors to understand the practical implications," said Mr. Liu. "I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to share my knowledge and help equip attendees with the strategies to navigate the new regime effectively."

For a detailed analysis of the Arrangement on Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters by the Courts of the Mainland and of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, please refer to the previous article: "".

海问刘洋律师主讲律商联讯网络研讨会 解读内地判决和仲裁裁决在香港的执行
Haiwen Edward Liu delivers insightful LexisNexis webinar on enforcing Mainland judgments and awards in HK

On 7 June 2024, LexisNexis hosted a highly informative webinar on "Enforcing Mainland Civil and Commercial Judgments and Arbitral Awards in Hong Kong". The event featured an insightful presentation by Mr. Edward Liu, Partner at Haiwen & Partners LLP, which was attended by about 200 in-house counsel and private practice lawyers.



The webinar provided practical guidance to creditors seeking to navigate the newly implemented the Arrangement on Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters by the Courts of the Mainland and of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The Arrangement, which took effect on January 29, 2024, has significantly expanded the scope for Mainland court judgments to be enforced in Hong Kong.

作为一个热议避免研究方向的领军计划法律工作者,刘法律工作者源于其丰富多样实操技术在演讲稿中逐步开展调研地陈述了在我国香港个人申请坦白和强制实施大陸裁定的重点程序流程图环节。他还就如果有效的强制实施大陸法律仲裁载决提拱了实用性强推荐 。
Mr. Liu, a leading dispute resolution lawyer, based on his extensive experience delivered a comprehensive and insightful presentation that addressed the key procedural steps involved in applying for the recognition and enforcement of a Mainland judgment in Hong Kong. He also provided practical tips on effectively enforcing Mainland arbitral awards in Hong Kong.
参会者对刘律師大量的技术理论知识储备和展示 清析可实施如何评价表的工作能力予以非常如何评价。俩位参会者指出:“刘律師的分享到这对互惠互利在在公司我们香港和公司我们香港宣判执行命令新设计的破产债权人看来是甚为贵重的环境资源。”还是参会者人认为:“刘律師的技术理论知识储备和好用如何评价表在帮公司认知这样更重要未来发展的事项层面功无法没,特别的是概述了相关内容自责和差池,激发了公司对公司我们香港法条和行业速度的核心。”
Attendees were highly impressed by Mr. Liu's in-depth knowledge and ability to provide clear, actionable guidance. "Mr. Liu's sharing was an invaluable resource for creditors seeking to navigate the new Mainland-Hong Kong judgment enforcement landscape," said one attendee. "His expertise and practical guidance were instrumental in helping us understand the nuances of this important development. In particular, he clarified concerns and misconceptions, and strengthened our confidence in Hong Kong's legal and business efficiency."
"The implementation of the relevant arrangements on enforcement of Mainland civil and commercial judgments and arbitral awards in Hong Kong is a significant development, and it is crucial for creditors to understand the practical implications," said Mr. Liu. "I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to share my knowledge and help equip attendees with the strategies to navigate the new regime effectively."

For a detailed analysis of the Arrangement on Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters by the Courts of the Mainland and of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, please refer to the previous article: "".

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