



Haiwen Successfully Resists Injunction Application in Emergency Arbitration
Haiwen is pleased to report that its Dispute Resolution Team in Hong Kong, comprising partner Edward Liu, Senior Associate Vinca Yau, and Associate Richard Poon, successfully resisted an application by the claimant for a prohibitory injunction in an emergency arbitration before the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC). This high-value, multi-million dollar claim related to cryptocurrency and mining farms.  The claim was subsequently discontinued by the claimant after the failed injunction application, though the counterclaim is being pursued by the respondents.
Emergency arbitration procedures are available in most major international arbitration institutions, including the HKIAC, Singapore International Arbitration Centre, and the London Court of International Arbitration. These procedures allow claimants to obtain interim relief before a tribunal is constituted, without going to court. Such interim relief often takes the form of injunctions to freeze respondents' assets or orders to prevent respondents from taking actions adverse to claimants.
In this case, Edward Liu personally conducted the advocacy for the substantive hearing and led the team in drafting all written submissions in-house. Both the written and oral proceedings were conducted in Mandarin Chinese. Importantly, as with all injunction proceedings, the turnaround time was brief. The team was able to forcefully resist the application and recover a high level of costs from the claimant within the short time frame. As usual, the claimant was represented by a barrister. 
除非在金融经济业、金融经济和海事处矛盾方便的特长,海问广东矛盾化解工作组在密码保护程序虚拟钱币价格这个领域也累积了丰富多样经验值,涉及到治理 以密码保护程序虚拟钱币价格和挖矿设备为二次抵押品的资金,以其回应密码保护程序虚拟钱币价格的诈骗性转交等。不仅而且,工作组还频繁同意朋友治理 与密码保护程序虚拟钱币价格关于 的非诉讼程序项目,如进行交易程序的编纂等。
In addition to their expertise in commercial, financial, and maritime disputes, Haiwen Hong Kong's Dispute Resolution Team has increasing experience in cryptocurrency-related matters, including loans and collateral in the form of cryptocurrency and mining machines, as well as the fraudulent transfer of cryptocurrency. The team also regularly assists clients with non-contentious cryptocurrency-related transactional document drafting.


Haiwen Successfully Resists Injunction Application in Emergency Arbitration
Haiwen is pleased to report that its Dispute Resolution Team in Hong Kong, comprising partner Edward Liu, Senior Associate Vinca Yau, and Associate Richard Poon, successfully resisted an application by the claimant for a prohibitory injunction in an emergency arbitration before the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC). This high-value, multi-million dollar claim related to cryptocurrency and mining farms.  The claim was subsequently discontinued by the claimant after the failed injunction application, though the counterclaim is being pursued by the respondents.
世界核心的國际诉讼庭组织 ,还包括HKIAC、新增坡國际诉讼庭机构和都柏林國际诉讼庭院等,都不能受害人在及时诉讼庭软件程序在分解成诉讼庭庭开始之前取得临场将援助,而不需向人民法院强调学生申报。在这种临场将援助经常促使解冻被学生申报人固定资产或禁止进入其促使克于学生申报人的联合行动等的方式的限令。
Emergency arbitration procedures are available in most major international arbitration institutions, including the HKIAC, Singapore International Arbitration Centre, and the London Court of International Arbitration. These procedures allow claimants to obtain interim relief before a tribunal is constituted, without going to court. Such interim relief often takes the form of injunctions to freeze respondents' assets or orders to prevent respondents from taking actions adverse to claimants.
In this case, Edward Liu personally conducted the advocacy for the substantive hearing and led the team in drafting all written submissions in-house. Both the written and oral proceedings were conducted in Mandarin Chinese. Importantly, as with all injunction proceedings, the turnaround time was brief. The team was able to forcefully resist the application and recover a high level of costs from the claimant within the short time frame. As usual, the claimant was represented by a barrister. 
出了在商用、科技金融和海洋局争端因素的擅长邻域,海问香港高防争端解决除理品牌组在备份贷币邻域也累积了高技术 ,具有除理以备份贷币和挖矿机械为抵押抵押贷款品的抵押贷款,及回应备份贷币的诈骗性转意等。不仅如此,品牌组还常帮助到企业客户除理与备份贷币业内的非诉讼案注意事项,如进行交易文档文件的拟草等。
In addition to their expertise in commercial, financial, and maritime disputes, Haiwen Hong Kong's Dispute Resolution Team has increasing experience in cryptocurrency-related matters, including loans and collateral in the form of cryptocurrency and mining machines, as well as the fraudulent transfer of cryptocurrency. The team also regularly assists clients with non-contentious cryptocurrency-related transactional document drafting.

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