


Haiwen & Partners LLP Publishes Insights on Hong Kong's Arbitration Landscape in Arbitration Law Monthly

海问律師行政监察所潇然发布,在近期八期《仲载庭法月刊》上发表过好几个篇综和性好新闻稿件。该期刊杂志是Informa的最前沿仲载庭刊物物,由Rob Merkin顶级大律師/讲师复制。这篇好新闻稿件由海问纽约的争端解决处理好研发团队写作,全体成员属于合股人刘洋律師、丘愷曈高阶律師、吴华佳高阶律師、潘竞雄律師和黎淇瀚律師。此文进入研究分析了纽约人民法院在2021年上一个月的近期仲载庭判例,并刍议这样的判列如 何进第一步出现和牢固纽约看做全球性仲载庭公司的认知度。
Haiwen & Partners is pleased to announce the publication of a comprehensive article in the latest edition of “Arbitration Law Monthly,” a leading arbitration newsletter of Informa, edited by Prof. Rob Merkin KC. Authored by Haiwen Hong Kong’s dispute resolution team, including Partner Edward Liu, Senior Associates Vinca Yau, Lori Ng, Richard Poon, and Aaron Lai, the article provides an in-depth analysis of recent developments in the Hong Kong arbitration landscape, showcasing and reinforcing the city’s status as a leading global hub for international commercial arbitration.
内容发表文章《2025年劳动劳动法律劳动仲裁庭后期总结:系统定期维护广州劳动劳动法律劳动仲裁庭的有远见口碑》,使用分享2016法官判决,特别指出了广州法官在系统定期维护劳动劳动法律劳动仲裁庭法律劳动仲裁的完全性和终于性角度的稳定心。著者浅析了广州法官在注重劳动劳动法律劳动仲裁庭过程中 自动权与需要对本质上性服务性政策解读充分考虑内的微秒平横,阐述了广州法官一以贯之兼容劳动劳动法律劳动仲裁庭的政治立场。
Titled "2024 Mid-Year Arbitration Round-Up: Upholding the Integrity of Arbitration in Hong Kong," the article examines key judicial decisions and highlights the Hong Kong courts’ commitment to upholding the integrity and finality of arbitral awards, which reflects the Hong Kong court’s consistent pro-arbitration stance . The authors explore the delicate balance the judiciary maintains between respecting the autonomy of the arbitral process and addressing substantive public policy considerations, which reflects the court’s consistent pro-arbitration stance.
Haiwen's dispute resolution team, renowned for its expertise in arbitration, aims to provide valuable insights to practitioners and commercial parties navigating the evolving landscape of international arbitration.
"We are proud to contribute to ‘Arbitration Law Monthly’ and share our insights with global commercial users on critical developments within Hong Kong's arbitration framework," said Edward Liu, Partner at Haiwen & Partners LLP. "Our analysis reflects the courts' unwavering support for the arbitral process and underscores the importance of maintaining the integrity of arbitration as a means of resolving disputes."
As the global business environment continues to evolve, the Hong Kong courts' ability to adapt and provide consistent guidance in navigating the complex intersection of arbitration and related legal frameworks is crucial for maintaining the city's status as a preferred jurisdiction for resolving international commercial disputes. This comprehensive review underscores the Hong Kong courts’ dedication to preserving the sanctity of the arbitral process and reinforces the city’s position as a premier hub for international commercial arbitration, as established in the national "14th Five-Year Plan."


You can read the online version of the article by following the link.  To request a copy of the full published article, please contact Mr. Edward Liu via edwardliu@tfulatex.com





Haiwen & Partners LLP Publishes Insights on Hong Kong's Arbitration Landscape in Arbitration Law Monthly

海问法律行政监察所行政监察所晨晨刊发声明,在全新的一起《诉讼法月刊》上刊发好几回篇整合性内容。该杂志是Informa的技术型诉讼出书物,由Rob Merkin专用大法律行政监察所/教受修改。这篇内容由海问纽约的争论处理好活动组草拟,成员国是指合股人刘洋法律行政监察所、丘愷曈高等级法律行政监察所、吴华佳高等级法律行政监察所、潘竞雄法律行政监察所和黎淇瀚法律行政监察所。这段话深入基层分折了纽约区法院在202历经四年上一年后的全新的诉讼判例,并研究方案那些判举例何进一部浮现和查漏补缺纽约最为世界诉讼中心局的价值。
Haiwen & Partners is pleased to announce the publication of a comprehensive article in the latest edition of “Arbitration Law Monthly,” a leading arbitration newsletter of Informa, edited by Prof. Rob Merkin KC. Authored by Haiwen Hong Kong’s dispute resolution team, including Partner Edward Liu, Senior Associates Vinca Yau, Lori Ng, Richard Poon, and Aaron Lai, the article provides an in-depth analysis of recent developments in the Hong Kong arbitration landscape, showcasing and reinforcing the city’s status as a leading global hub for international commercial arbitration.
Titled "2024 Mid-Year Arbitration Round-Up: Upholding the Integrity of Arbitration in Hong Kong," the article examines key judicial decisions and highlights the Hong Kong courts’ commitment to upholding the integrity and finality of arbitral awards, which reflects the Hong Kong court’s consistent pro-arbitration stance . The authors explore the delicate balance the judiciary maintains between respecting the autonomy of the arbitral process and addressing substantive public policy considerations, which reflects the court’s consistent pro-arbitration stance.
Haiwen's dispute resolution team, renowned for its expertise in arbitration, aims to provide valuable insights to practitioners and commercial parties navigating the evolving landscape of international arbitration.
"We are proud to contribute to ‘Arbitration Law Monthly’ and share our insights with global commercial users on critical developments within Hong Kong's arbitration framework," said Edward Liu, Partner at Haiwen & Partners LLP. "Our analysis reflects the courts' unwavering support for the arbitral process and underscores the importance of maintaining the integrity of arbitration as a means of resolving disputes."
As the global business environment continues to evolve, the Hong Kong courts' ability to adapt and provide consistent guidance in navigating the complex intersection of arbitration and related legal frameworks is crucial for maintaining the city's status as a preferred jurisdiction for resolving international commercial disputes. This comprehensive review underscores the Hong Kong courts’ dedication to preserving the sanctity of the arbitral process and reinforces the city’s position as a premier hub for international commercial arbitration, as established in the national "14th Five-Year Plan."

利用了解原稿图ꦡ片链🦄接能够读书该的本文的网页页面版。如需得到 详细完整的本文的数码打印版,请搞好关系刘洋北京律师,邮箱地址:edwardliu@tfulatex.com。

You can read the online version of the article by following the link.  To request a copy of the full published article, please contact Mr. Edward Liu via edwardliu@tfulatex.com





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