


作者: 刘宇翔 吴琼




Interpretation of Laws and Regulations: MOHRSS Issues Regulations to Enhance Compliance Requirements for HR Service Agencies

Quick View of New Regulations: Zhejiang Province Human Resources and Social Security Department Issued a New Measure, Focusing on the Specific Personnel Who Do Not Have Labor Relations to Participate in Single-type Work Injury Insurance

Quick View of New Regulations: Beijing First Middle People’s Court Issued Opinions and Typical Cases of Labor Disputes Involving ESOP Issues

Exploration of Typical Cases: MOHRSS and the Supreme People’s Court Jointly Released Typical Cases involving New Work Models

Exploration of Typical Cases: Beijing Third Intermediate People’s Court Released the White Paper on Labor Disputes Trial Regarding Protection of Employment Promotion Strategy

Exploration of Typical Cases: Jiangsu Higher People’s Court Released Ten Typical Cases of Labor and Personnel Disputes in 2022


Interpretation of Laws and Regulations: MOHRSS Issues Regulations to Enhance Compliance Requirements for HR Service Agencies


On June 29, 2023, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (“MOHRSS”) issued the Regulations on the Administration of Human Resources Service Agencies (the “Regulation”), which provide for the administrative permit and filing, specification of service offered, supervision and administration, and legal liability of HR service agencies. The Regulation is the first national ministerial regulation to systematically regulate the activities of HR Service Agencies on the basis of the Employment Promotion Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Provisional Regulations on Human Resources Market (“Previous Law and Regulation”). The main points of new concern in the Regulation are as follows:
1. 明确不得以欺诈、胁迫、诱导劳动者注册为个体工商户等方式帮助用人单位规避用工主体责任

Clearly providing that no fraud, coercion or inducement of employees to register as Independent Business shall be used to help enterprises evade the employer’s responsibilities

The Regulation stipulates that HR service agencies “shall not change the labor relations between employers and employees, and shall not collude with employers to infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of employees”. In the development of platform economy, there is the practice of guiding employees to set up an independent business to advocate that the relationship between employees and the platform is a cooperative relationship rather than a labor relationship. The Regulation further clarifies that the labor relationship between employers and employees shall not be changed by fraud, coercion or inducement employees to register as an independent business accounts to help employers avoid the employer’s responsibilities.
2. 从部门规章层面将“假外包、真派遣”定性为禁止性人力资源服务外包行为
Defining “providing labor dispatch in the name of providing outsourcing services” as a prohibited HR service outsourcing practice from the ministerial regulation
The Regulation further clarifies that it is prohibited for HR service agencies to dispatch employees to other employers under de facto labor dispatch, in the name of HR service outsourcing. In case of violation, administrative penalties such as ordering correction, confiscation of illegal income, imposition of fines and revocation of HR service permit will be taken in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation.
3. 对人力资源服务机构提出不得介绍未满16岁的未成年人就业等服务规范要求

Putting forward other service specification requirements, such as HR service agencies shall not introduce minors under the age of 16 years old to employment

The Regulation introduces the following new service specifications on the basis of Previous Law and Regulation: HR service agencies shall not (1) introduce minors under the age of 16 years old to employment; (2) provide employment intermediary services for employees without legal identity documents; (3) introduce employees to engage in occupations prohibited by law or regulation; (4) fraudulently obtain social insurance fund expenditures, social insurance benefits by means of fraud, falsification of documents, etc.


Haiwen Suggestions: HR service agency itself and enterprises in the process of cooperation with HR service agencies, should avoid malicious requiring employees to register an independent business, providing labor dispatch in the name of providing outsourcing services, using fictitious materials to fraudulently⛄ obtain social insurance benefits and other acts prohibited by law.


Quick View of New Regulations: Zhejiang Province Human Resources and Social Security Department Issued a New Measure, Focusing on the Specific Personnel Who Do Not Have Labor Relations to Participate in Single-type Work Injury Insurance

On July 16, 2021, MOHRSS and other ministries jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Protecting the Labor Security Rights and Interests of Workers in New Work Forms (the “Opinions”) (for more information you may refer to ). on December 1, 2021, eight departments in Zhejiang Province jointly issued the Several Measures on Promoting the Healthy Development of New Work Forms (the “Measures”) (for more information you may refer to ). On May 26, 2023, Zhejiang Province Human Resources and Social Security Department and three other departments jointly issued the Measures on Participation in Single-type Work Injury Insurance for Specific Personnel Who Do Not Have Labor Relations (Trial) (the “Work Injury Insurance Measures”), which proposed more specific rules for single-type work injury insurance participation for specific personnel:
1. 放大单人身险险种缴税公伤人身险的可用于人员管理使用范围
Expanding the scope of personnel covered by single-type work injury insurance
2. 将参保人人年纪局限性在16-6518岁
Limiting the age of insured personnel to 16-65 years old
3. 坚定伤残商业险申请上报缴费基数
Clarifying the basis of declaration of work injury insurance
4. 不能多厚缴纳社保并厘清工伤事故商业保险承担的责任要素
Allowing multiple single-type work injury insurances and clarifying the subject of responsibility for work injury insurance
5. 一并剥夺颐养保障和伤残人员津贴补贴的,以就高补差原则英文判断服务
Determining the treatment of those who enjoy both pension allowance and disability allowance, i.e. applying the higher one and making up the difference as the principle
Haiwen Suggestions: if the employer in the process of employment engages non-labor relations personnel such as older workers who have reached statutory retirement age and are not older than 65 years of age, internship students, new work form workers, it can participate in a single-type work injury insurance for these personnel according to the local policy to reduce the risk of employment.


Quick View of New Regulations: Beijing First Middle People’s Court Issued Opinions and Typical Cases of Labor Disputes Involving ESOP Issues


On May 5, 2023, the Beijing First Intermediate People’s Court issued the Notice of Typical Cases of Involving Equity Incentive Labor Disputes, and then on May 29, 2023, it published the article Research on the Judgment Rules of Common Disputes in Civil Cases Involving Equity Incentives - From the Perspective of Labor Disputes in People’s Justice Magazine (No.13, 2023).

The cases and the article summarized and analyzed the different views in the judicial practice and put forward the tendency judicial opinions around the common problems in the equity incentive disputes (such as the validity of the agreed extraterritorial jurisdiction clause, the determination of the litigants in cases involving third-party, whether the equity incentive can be used as the non-competition compensation, the disputes related to the exercise of rights, the validity of the clauses of the employees’ liability for breach of contract, etc.).
To a certain extent, these opinions have responded to many controversial and difficult issues in practice, and are of great significance to the implementation of equity incentive plan by employers.


Exploration of Typical Cases: MOHRSS and the Supreme People’s Court Jointly Released Typical Cases Involving New Work Models

On April 24, 2023, MOHRSS and the Supreme People’s Court jointly released the third batch of typical cases on labor and personnel disputes. (For the second batch of typical cases, you may refer to ). A total of six typical cases on the protection of rights and interests of workers in new work models were released in this round, focusing on the identification of employment relationship between workers and platform enterprises. Among them, the following judicial opinions are worth noting:
1. 评估新人才需求性状下公民者与机构工业企业左右是不是具有公民影响,须得比对公民菅理的相关的原因,整合评判心理品质从属性、城市发展从属性、企业从属性的有哪些及实力。To identify whether there is an employment relationship between workers and the platform enterprises in new work models, whether there are certain elements, including personal subordination, economic subordination and organizational subordination, and the degree of subordination shall be comprehensively considered.2. 区别手机APP当中劳作报酬力方法普遍会有的差异,在裁审实训中,应特别留意合法性审查手机APP营销推广方式方法、聚类算法玩法等,积极顾虑行业中特征 ,清晰制造业制造业企业营销推广方法,确认手机APP制造业制造业企业需不需要对劳作报酬者普遍会有劳作报酬的管理方式,据实认证法律解释相关类别。
Since the model of work varies from different platforms, in judicial practice, the nature of legal relationship shall be identified based on the ascertainment of the way of operation and algorithm rules of the platform, the characteristics of the industry, the mode of operation of the enterprise, and whether the platform enterprise conducts labor management on the workers.
3. 不能仅以业务承包协议等外观认定员工属于第三方劳务公司的员工或个体工商户,并作为认定员工和该公司之间不存在劳动关系的依据,而应根据劳动管理事实和从属性特征等实质要件进行审查。
The workers shall not be identified as employees of a third-party labor company or as individual entrepreneurs by the outsourcing agreement or other appearance, and the labor relationship between the worker and the company shall not be denied based on the appearance either, but rather to examine the material elements such as the fact of labor management and the characteristics of subordination.


Exploration of Typical Cases: Beijing Third Intermediate People’s Court Released the White Paper on Labor Disputes Trial Regarding Protection of Employment Promotion Strategy


On May 16, 2023, Beijing Third Intermediate People’s Court held a press briefing to release the White Paper on Labor Disputes Trial Regarding Protection of Employment Promotion Strategy (the “White Paper”). The White Paper provides a big data analysis of the labor dispute cases accepted by the Beijing Third Intermediate People’s Court during the period of 2020-2022. Th﷽e data shows that the number of labor dispute cases remains at a high level, and the case triꦏal reveals several new features such as disputes of termination of employment contracts takes a high proportion, labor dispute litigants diverse, the parties involved in cases tends to be younger, and employment of new work models needs to be further regulated.

Additionally, the White Paper released ten typical cases, among which we highlight below cases for reference:
1. 例案第一中学,择人之长厂家在校园招聘招聘流程及薪酬水平福利员工待遇磋商进程中允诺了较高的工资收入水平,在劳动课力改造者从原厂家跳槽筹备入司时申请的《入司诚邀函》我国才告知的劳动课力改造者真正工资收入福利员工待遇,矛盾律存在着强烈不一致性。检察院因为,择人之长厂家的以上的形为相悖于诚信为本规范,给劳动课力改造者造成就了相信效益损失费,应守法制造缔约疏忽职责。In the first case, the employer promised a higher salary during the recruitment interview and salary negotiation process, but informed the employee of the real salary in the offer letter when the employee left the former employer and prepared to join, and the real salary was significantly lower than the salary promised. The court held that the above behaviors of the employer violated the legal principle of good faith and caused loss of reliance interests to the employee, so the employer shall bear the fault liability to contract according to law.2. 范例八中,培养人才的机关单位为劳作就业者注册进京入户口的的指标并决定提供服务管理期,劳作就业者因本身因为不满提供服务管理期辞职的,触犯了诚实银行信用前提并给培养人才的机关单位引起注册入户口、招录新员工入职等成本低亏损资金,应承担毁损陪尝负责,由执行局终合其岗位年头、辞职因为、京户的的指标的短缺性等的因素酌定装修公司的亏损资金款额。In the eighth case, the employer applied for Beijing Hukou quota for the employee and agreed on a service period, later the employee left early for his own reasons. As the employee violated the legal principle of good faith and caused losses to the employer for applying for Beijing Hukou quota and recruiting newcomers, the employee shall bear the liability for damages, and the losses of the employer shall be decided by the court based on actual service years, reasons for leaving, the scarcity degree of Beijing Hukou, etc.3. 案列九中,管人院校开立的《跳槽证件格式》中附上结束劳作协议书的目的系劳作者嚴重违规新公司管理办法管理办法。法院执行明晰,跳槽证件格式的介绍应限于规定议题,院校予以再次为人办理跳槽证件格式,尽量不要因管人院校的主观性意向危害劳作者的择业观择业观权。In the ninth case, it is stated in the separation certificate issued by the employer that the employment contract was terminated due to the employee’s serious violation of the employer’s policies. The court clarified that the content of the separation certificate shall be limited to statutory items, and the employer should reissue the separation certificate for the employee to protect the employee’s rights to choose the employment from being affected by the employer’s subjective intent.4. 例案十中,工作者天赋人权竞业受局限性协议书中决定的毁约金过高条件酌减的,区法院申报工作者应承担对毁约金过头高与其毁约现象给培养人才基层计量公司的致使的损害的提起诉讼责任心,不得简单的将培养人才基层计量公司的付的竞业受局限性弥补金金额与毁约金金额相对于较,应基础性需要考虑培养人才基层计量公司的于是引发的损害系数。
In the tenth case, the employee claimed that the liquidated damages agreed in the non-competition agreement were too high and requested a reduction. The court determined that the employee shall bear the burden of proof that the liquidated damages were excessively higher than the damages caused to the employer by his breach of contract, and that it was not appropriate to merely compare the amount of non-competition compensation paid by the employer with the amount of liquidated damages directly, but the damages caused to the employer shall also be considered comprehensively.


Exploration of Typical Cases: Jiangsu Higher People’s Court Released Ten Typical Cases of Labor and Personnel Disputes in 2022

Recently, Jiangsu Higher People’s Court released ten typical cases of labor and personnel disputes in 2022, involving various types of disputes, focusing on the protection of the rights and interests of special groups of employees and the proper exercise of enterprises’ employment autonomy. Among them, the following cases are worthy of attention:
1. 案例四中,用人单位的前员工注册成立独资的人力公司,与用人单位签订劳务外包协议,将其他仍在原岗位继续工作的员工约定为属于人力公司安排至用人单位作业的员工。法院认为,某人力公司成立的主要目的是为了逃避给员工缴纳社会保险,通过劳务外包将用工风险转嫁给人力公司,员工实际仍然接受用人单位的管理,故判决劳动者与用人单位而非人力公司之间存在劳动关系。
In the fourth case, a former employee of the employer incorporated a solely-invested human resources company and signed a labor outsourcing agreement with the employer, agreeing that other employees who continued to work in their original positions were employees assigned to the employer by the human resources company. The court held that the main purpose of the establishment of the human resources company was to avoid paying social insurance contributions to the employees and to transfer the risk of employment to the human resources company through labor outsourcing, and the employees were still under the actual management of the employer. Accordingly, the court ruled that the labor relationship existed between the employees and the employer rather than the human resources company.2. 真实案例六中,普通营业员被七名女顶岗见习生投述称业务的时候话言轻薄无负担、被需求为该普通营业员捏肩、強行搂抱等,择人院校调查分析时普通营业员坦白会存在需求顶岗见习生捏肩的情形,故以加重的违规化解工作劳务三方合同,普通营业员后注册仲载观点构成犯罪化解。区法院观点,该普通营业员合理利用其管控女顶岗见习生的职称快速施行搔扰情形,加重的触范了工作组织纪律和职业化道德至上,择人院校化解工作劳务三方合同准许。In the sixth case, the employee was complained by two female interns that he verbally harassed them, asked them to squeeze his shoulders and forcefully hugged them, etc. during the work period. When being investigated, the employee admitted he asked the interns to squeeze his shoulders. Therefore, the employer terminated the employee’s labor contract on the grounds of serious disciplinary violations. Later the employee applied for arbitration claiming illegal termination. The court held that since the employee used the convenience of his position in managing female interns to implement harassment, which is a serious violation of labor discipline and professional ethics, the termination of the labor contract by the employer is legal.

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