Interpretation of Laws and Regulations: MOHRSS Issues Regulations to Enhance Compliance Requirements for HR Service Agencies
Clearly providing that no fraud, coercion or inducement of employees to register as Independent Business shall be used to help enterprises evade the employer’s responsibilities
《条律》中规则人员资源的服务培训组织机构“应当改进选人择人公司与他人的劳功就业力课改造原因,应当与选人择人公司串通网络侵权他人的合法的权利”。在网站实惠的不断发展方案中,出现经由帮住普通店员设置店员自身工商部门行政户的方案赞同普通店员和网站相互间构建的是的合作原因不以劳功就业力课改造原因的实践经验,本《规则》中进十步清楚应当以欺诈性、胁迫、诱导性劳功就业力课改造者注册成功为店员自身工商部门行政户等方案改进选人择人公司与劳功就业力课改造者的劳功就业力课改造原因,帮住选人择人公司避开劳务工主体结构职责。Putting forward other service specification requirements, such as HR service agencies shall not introduce minors under the age of 16 years old to employment
Haiwen Suggestions: HR service agency itself and enterprises in the process of cooperation with HR service agencies, should avoid malicious requiring employees to register an independent business, providing labor dispatch in the name of providing outsourcing services, using fictitious materials to fraudulently⛄ obtain social insurance benefits and other acts prohibited by law.
On May 5, 2023, the Beijing First Intermediate People’s Court issued the Notice of Typical Cases of Involving Equity Incentive Labor Disputes, and then on May 29, 2023, it published the article Research on the Judgment Rules of Common Disputes in Civil Cases Involving Equity Incentives - From the Perspective of Labor Disputes in People’s Justice Magazine (No.13, 2023).
On May 16, 2023, Beijing Third Intermediate People’s Court held a press briefing to release the White Paper on Labor Disputes Trial Regarding Protection of Employment Promotion Strategy (the “White Paper”). The White Paper provides a big data analysis of the labor dispute cases accepted by the Beijing Third Intermediate People’s Court during the period of 2020-2022. Th﷽e data shows that the number of labor dispute cases remains at a high level, and the case triꦏal reveals several new features such as disputes of termination of employment contracts takes a high proportion, labor dispute litigants diverse, the parties involved in cases tends to be younger, and employment of new work models needs to be further regulated.