
Elaine LI | Counsel
Fund Formation, Private Equity Investments
  • Basic Information

    Ms. Elaine Li's practice focuses on offshore funds formation, onshore funds formation and private equity investments. 

  • Experience highlights

    Ms. Li represents fund sponsors in forming various funds, includ🍌ing USD-denominated blind-pool funds, project funds, and USD and RMB den🅘ominated parallel funds.  She also advises fund sponsors on their internal arrangements, operational compliance and downstream investments. She also represents different investors in connection with their investments in private equity funds.

    Ms. Li's recent representative projects include:

    ■ representing 🅠Alibaba in its investments in several USD-d꧑enominated funds and RMB-denominated funds

    ■ representing Challenjers in setting up its first offshore private equity fund, withꦺ a target size of US$500 million

    ■ represenꦇting Temasek in its first investment in a QFLP fund

    ■ representing Pagoda in setting up its third offshore private equity ꧋fund, with a target size of US$400 million

    ■ representing꧙ Hillhouse in setting up its USD and RMB denominated pꦬarallel funds, with a combined size of over RMB600 million

    ■ representing Hillhouse in its inveꦗstments in two USD-denominated funds

    ■ representing 3W🌟 Partners in setting up a single-project fund (with a total size of approximately US$50 million)

    ■ representing CCB Trust in setting up severa🃏l single-project funds for a number of sizeable private equity investme꧟nts

    ■ repre♌senting CCB Trust in setting up its first mutual fu♉nd and second mutual fund

    ■ representing Huagai Capital in settingt up a multiple-projects f🥃und

    ■ represen𓄧ting Asian Gr♎een Fund in settingt up a multiple-projects fund

    ■ representing CITIC in its investments into two USD denꦇominated private equity funds sponsored by 🐠Xinjin Holdings (with a total size of approximately US$1 billion)

    ■ representing eWTP Capital in its investment of US$15 milli👍on into ATM Investment Fun🐬d I L.P.

    ■ representing CLSA in setting up ▨its USD denominated fund, with a target size of US$70 million

    ■ representing Beijing E-Town International In♒vestment & Development Co., Ltd. in its investment of US$100 million into a USD denominated private equity fund primarily focusing on the German and othe♕r European countries

    ■ representing&nbs🐟p;CX Capital in setting up its first offshore private equity fund, with a total size of US$100 million

    ■ representing Houwe𒆙i Mango Di🌜mension in setting up its single-project funds to invest in NetEase Cloud Music

    ■ representing&nb🅘sp;Green Pine Capital on its equity financin🎃g to invest in DJI, with a total size of US$65 million

  • Education

    Ms. Li earned an L♑L.B. from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, an LL.M. from Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Juris Doctor degree from City University of Hong Kong.

  • Language

    Ms. Li&nbs🥃p;is a native Mandarin speaker and is fluent in English. 


Contact Us
Address:20/F Fortune Financial Center 5 Dong San Huan Central Road Chaoyang District Beijing 100020, China
Telephone:+86 10 8560 6888
Fax:+86 10 8560 6999
Address:Unit 2605,Jing An Kerry Center Tower 1 No.1515 Nan Jing West Road Jing'an District Shanghai 200040, China
Telephone:+86 21 6043 5000
Fax:+86 21 5298 5030
Address:Suites 1101-1104, 11/F, One Exchange Square, 8 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong, China
Telephone:+852 3952 2222
Fax:+852 3952 2211
Address:Room 3801, Tower Three, Kerry Plaza 1 Zhong Xin Si Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 518048, China
Telephone:+86 755 8323 6000
Fax:+86 755 8323 0187
Address:Unit 01, 10-12, 20/F, China Overseas International Center Block C, 233 Jiao Zi Avenue, High-tech District, Chengdu 610041, China
Telephone:+86 28 6391 8500
Fax:+86 28 6391 8397
Address:Room 3508-3509, 35/F, Hainan Building 5 Guoxing Avenue, Meilan District Haikou 570100, China
Telephone:+86 898 6536 9667
Fax:+86 898 6536 9667
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