

New Empanelment of Haiwen Edward Liu on the AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre Panel of Arbitrators

现在,海问法律公共会计师事务所公共会计师事务所佛山办公场所室合作经营人刘洋法律公共会计师事务所获亚不法协珠海区域环境仲裁庭咨询中心(Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre, AALꦓCO-HKRAC)委任为仲裁员名册内仲裁员。有关任期自2024年6月5日起,至2026年12月31日止。
亚超范围行为协全名是北美-非州法律规则和解公司组织 ,不是个政府性间公司组织 ,成为于1952年,目前有415个团员国,由北美和非州的首要欧洲国家/地段分为,并获整合国常住观看员的身份证。亚超范围行为协的圈红功绩是197七年创立的《生活与业务进行交易法律纠纷改善综合管理方案范文怎么写》。随着此方案范文怎么写,团员国决定的由亚超范围行为协配合而成为空间区域诉讼庭中,激发全球金组织 的职责范围,广泛宣传增进亚非地段的全球金商事登记诉讼庭,同心同德全球金诉讼庭提拱支持软件。
刘洋刑事专业律师是世界法律诉讼的领域遭受承认的领军人物刑事专业律师,是加拿大特许加盟法律诉讼员针灸学会杰出会员卡用户,与世界商事登记法律诉讼专家会会员卡用户。抛开亚擅自协厦门保险区法律诉讼重点外,他还有很多境內外著名品牌法律诉讼平台的法律诉讼员,属于厦门保险世界法律诉讼重点、郑州世界法律诉讼院、背景法律诉讼常务促进会/背景世界法律诉讼重点、抚顺世界法律诉讼院、沈阳法律诉讼常务促进会、沈阳法律诉讼常务促进会、华东(厦门保险)世界法律诉讼院、亚洲地区世界法律诉讼重点、旧金山海洋局法律诉讼员针灸学会、厦门保险海洋局法律诉讼针灸学会、国内 海洋局法律诉讼常务促进会、新增坡海洋局法律诉讼院,与一邦淘宝上仲调重点。



New Empanelment of Haiwen Edward Liu on the AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre Panel of Arbitrators

We are delighted to announce the successful e🍨mpanelment of Edward Liu, Partner of Haiwen & Partners LLP, on the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organisation Hong Kong Regional Arbiꦛtration Centre (“AALCO-HKRAC”) Panel of Arbitrators, commencing from 5 June 2024 until 31 December 2026.

Standing for the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization, AALCO is an inter-governmental organization that was founded in 1956 and now with 48 member states comprising of the major states from Asia and Africa. AALCO has been accorded Permanent Observer status at the United Nations. One of the major contributions to the economic field is AALCO’s launch of its Integrated Scheme for Settlement of Disputes in the Economic and Commercial Transactions in 1978. Pursuant to that Scheme, it was decided to establish regional arbitration centres under the auspices of AALCO, which would function as international institutions with the objectiv꧙es to promote international commercial arbitration in the Asian-African regions and provide for conducting international arbitrations under these centres.

The establishment of AALCO-HKRAC, officially announced by the then Premier of the State Counsel of Chinese Government in November 2021 at the 59th Annual Session of AALCO hosted by Hong Kong, marks a major milestone in the development of Hong Kong as a leading centre for international legal and dispute resolution services in the Asia-Pacific region. AALCO-HKRAC will act as a co-ordinating agency in the AALCO dispute settlement system, aiming to promote the growth and effective functioning of arbitration institutions and other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services, including online dispute resolution services, to promote the wider applicatio꧙n of various ADR rules within the Asian and Pacific region, to provide facilities for ADR services including ad hoc arbitrations as well as arbitrations held under the auspices of the Centre and other arbitral institutions, and to provide assistance in the enforcement of arbitral awards.

With AALCO-HKRAC, AALCO now has six international regional arbitration centres, and the other five centres are located in Cairo (Arab Republic of Egypt), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Lagos (Nigeria), Tehran (Islamic Republic of Iran) and Nairobi (Kenya). Ea𒆙ch centre is established by international law, and the respective hosts Governments recognize their independent status like an interna🔯tional organization and have accorded privileges and immunities to these centres.

Edward Liu is a well-regarded leading practitioner in international arbitration. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) and a member of the International Court of Commercial Arbitration (ICCA). He serves on the panels or lists of arbitrators for various esteemed institutions, including the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC), Asia International Arbitration Centre (AIAC), Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA), Beijing Arbitration Commission/Beijing International Arbitration Court (BAC/BIAC), Dalian International Arbitration Court (DIAC), Tianjin Arbitration Commission (TJAC), Nanjing Arbitration Commission (NJAC), London Maritime Arbitrators' Association (LMAA), Hong Kong Maritime Arbitration Group (HKMAG), China Maritime Arbitration Commission (CMAC), Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration, and eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre (eBRAM).

Since 2018, Edward has accepted appointments as an arbitrator and has been appointed as arbitrator (including sole arbitrator) in approximately 30 cases. He has handled arbitration cases as an arbitrator under the rules of HKIAC, LMAA, HKMAG, UNCITRL, SCIA, as well as ad hoc arbitrations, having issued𝓡 13 arbitral awards to date.

New Empanelment of Haiwen Edward Liu on the AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre Panel of Arbitrators
此前,海问刑事辩护著名律师行政监察所澳门企业办公空间一起人刘洋刑事辩护著名律师获亚擅自协中国香港范围诉讼平台(Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization Hong Kong Regional Arbitratio🧸n Centre, AALCO-HKRAC)委任为仲裁员名册内仲裁员。有关任期自2024年6月5日起,至2026年12月31🉐日止。



New Empanelment of Haiwen Edward Liu on the AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre Panel of Arbitrators

We are delighted to announce the successf👍ul empanelment of Edward Liu, Partner of Haiwen & Partners LLP, on the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organisation Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre (“AALCO-HKRAC”) Panel of Arbitrators, commencin🌠g from 5 June 2024 until 31 December 2026.

Standing for the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization, AALCO is an inter-governmental organization that was founded in 1956 and now with 48 member states comprising of the major states from Asia and Africa. AALCO has been accorded Permanent Observer status at the United Nations. One of the major contributions to the economic field is AALCO’s launch of its Integrated Scheme for Settlement of Disputes in the Economic and Commercial Transactions in 1978. Pursuant to that Scheme, it was decided to establish regional arbitration centres under the auspices of AALCO, which would function as international institutions w𝕴ith the objectives to promote international commercial arbitration in the Asian-African regions and provide for conducting international arbitrations under these centres.

The establishment of AALCO-HKRAC, officially announced by the then Premier of the State Counsel of Chinese Government in November 2021 at the 59th Annual Session of AALCO hosted by Hong Kong, marks a major milestone in the development of Hong Kong as a leading centre for international ﷽legal and dispute resolution services in the Asia-Pacific region. AALCO-HKRAC will act as a co-ordinating agency in the AALCO dispute settlement system, aiming to promote the growth and effective functioning of arbitration institutions and other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services, including online dispute resolution services, to promote the wider application of various ADR rules within the Asian and Pacific region, to provide facilities for ADR services including ad hoc arbitrations as well as arbitrations held under the auspices of the Centꩵre and other arbitral institutions, and to provide assistance in the enforcement of arbitral awards.

With AALCO-HKRAC, AALCO now has six international regional arbitration centres, and the other five centres are located in Cairo (Arab Republic of Egypt), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Laౠgos (Nigeria), Tehran (Islamic Republic of Iran) and Nairobi (Kenya). Each centre is established by international law, and the respective hosts Governments recognize their independent status like an international organization and have accord🍰ed privileges and immunities to these centres.

Edward Liu is a well-regarded leading practitioner in international arbitration. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) and a member of the International Court of Commercial Arbitration (ICCA). He serves on the panels or lists of arbitrators for various esteemed institutions, including the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC), Asia International Arbitration Centre (AIAC), Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA), Beijing Arbitration Commission/Beijing International Arbitration Court (BAC/BIAC), Dalian International Arbitration Court (DIAC), Tianjin Arbitration Commission (TJAC), Nanjing Arbitration Commission (NJAC), London Maritime Arbitrators' Association (LMAA), Hong Kong Maritime Arbitration Group (HKMAG), China Maritime Arbitration Commission (CMAC), Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration, and eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre (eBRAM).

Since 2018, Edward has accepted appointments as an arbitrator and has been appointed as arbitrator (including sole arbitrator) in approximately 30 cases. He has handled arbitration cases as an arbitrator under the rules of HKIAC, LMAA, HKMAG, UNCITRL, SCIA, as well as ad hoc arbitrations, having issued 13 ♑arbitral awards to ⭕date.

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