

Haiwen Secures Rare Court Order for Sale of Vessel Pending Arbitration


Haiwen Secures Rare Court Order for Sale of Vessel Pending Arbitration
Haiwen is pleased to announce that its Dispute Resolution Team in Hong Kong has successfully obtained a rare court order to sell a vessel pending an ongoing arbitration. In this arbitration, Haiwen represents the cargo owner in pursuing a multi-million dollar claim against the carrier under a bill of lading. The claim arises from the carrier's failure to provide a seaworthy vessel and its deviation from the agreed shipping route, which resulted in substantial damages to the cargo.
The vessel had been detained by the Hong Kong Marine Department for over seven months due to identified deficiencies. This extended detention period posed significant logistical challenges and inflicted substantial financial damages upon the cargo owners, who were urgently seeking a resolution. The Haiwen team swiftly took action, deploying strategic legal measures to safeguard our clients' critical commercial interests. Haiwen promptly obtained an arrest order against the vessel.
在船东无法具备保释金的情况发生报告下,海问同时帮助发货人申报表了在仲载前三天对该集装箱船做好强迫个人与销售的下令行。顺利通过严谨的深入分析、审慎的企划和扎实的社会道德论述,海问之后劝说纽约高教检查院于202几年8月5日核准了这全部不一般 的下令行,并审判将申报表学费从该集装箱船的处治贴现率中减免。这种个胜诉愈加难,可能某些为了方便接拉个人与销售令一般 没能刷快核准。极关乎要的是,这种个关键为纽约建造了为首要的海事局社会道德先例,创立了在某些情况发生报告下,发货人还可以刷快某些紧急救援救助。
Upon the shipowners' failure to provide security, proceeded with the application for the sale of the vessel pending the arbitration Through meticulous research, careful strategic planning, and compelling legal arguments, Haiwen ultimately persuaded the High Court of Hong Kong on July 5, 2024 to grant the highly unusual order, and ruled that the costs of the successful application were to be paid from the eventual sale proceeds of the vessel. This victory is particularly significant, as court orders for the sale of a vessel pending litigation are typically difficult to obtain.  More importantly, this decision establishes a maritime law precedent in Hong Kong, confirming that cargo owners can in fact be granted such emergency relief in such circumstances.
Haiwen takes great pride in this outstanding legal achievement, as it not only showcases our expertise in shipping and trade law, but also demonstrates our unwavering commitment to securing the best interests of our clients. Moving forward, we will continue to provide our clients with exceptional service in navigating even the most complex legal challenges, guided by the same spirit of professionalism and innovative thinking that has defined our firm's legacy.

Haiwen Secures Rare Court Order for Sale of Vessel Pending Arbitration

Haiwen Secures Rare Court Order for Sale of Vessel Pending Arbitration
Haiwen is pleased to announce that its Dispute Resolution Team in Hong Kong has successfully obtained a rare court order to sell a vessel pending an ongoing arbitration. In this arbitration, Haiwen represents the cargo owner in pursuing a multi-million dollar claim against the carrier under a bill of lading. The claim arises from the carrier's failure to provide a seaworthy vessel and its deviation from the agreed shipping route, which resulted in substantial damages to the cargo.
The vessel had been detained by the Hong Kong Marine Department for over seven months due to identified deficiencies. This extended detention period posed significant logistical challenges and inflicted substantial financial damages upon the cargo owners, who were urgently seeking a resolution. The Haiwen team swiftly took action, deploying strategic legal measures to safeguard our clients' critical commercial interests. Haiwen promptly obtained an arrest order against the vessel.
在船东时未展示 保释金的实际情况发生下,海问以致委托接货办理了在仲载时对该海船参与立即售卖的系统命令行。进行严密的设计、尽量的活动策划和关键性性的法律条文规定合理性的论证,海问结果英文开导我们香港高防中等职业检察院于2028年七月份5日特批了某种瓶不一般的系统命令行,并裁定将办理的费用从该海船的治理贴现率中去掉。某种胜诉甚为难有,正因为或者突然售卖令通畅很容易得到特批。愈来愈关键性性的是,某种绝对为我们香港高防构建了关键性性的海洋局法律条文规定先例,正确认识了在或者实际情况发生下,接货都可以得到或者应急救治。
Upon the shipowners' failure to provide security, proceeded with the application for the sale of the vessel pending the arbitration Through meticulous research, careful strategic planning, and compelling legal arguments, Haiwen ultimately persuaded the High Court of Hong Kong on July 5, 2024 to grant the highly unusual order, and ruled that the costs of the successful application were to be paid from the eventual sale proceeds of the vessel. This victory is particularly significant, as court orders for the sale of a vessel pending litigation are typically difficult to obtain.  More importantly, this decision establishes a maritime law precedent in Hong Kong, confirming that cargo owners can in fact be granted such emergency relief in such circumstances.
海问对这一种经验丰富的法规任务表示为傲。这这不仅体验了我国在水运和易货贸易法邻域的行业好处,也体现了我国认清秉承于为消费者获得绝佳商业利益的努力。明天,海问将重新以不一样的行业神经和创新发展逻辑思维,为消费者处置最比较复杂的法规挑站展示 优秀保障。
Haiwen takes great pride in this outstanding legal achievement, as it not only showcases our expertise in shipping and trade law, but also demonstrates our unwavering commitment to securing the best interests of our clients. Moving forward, we will continue to provide our clients with exceptional service in navigating even the most complex legal challenges, guided by the same spirit of professionalism and innovative thinking that has defined our firm's legacy.

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