

Haiwen Edward Liu Accompanies Secretary for Transport and Logistics on Hamburg and Athens Visit

Haiwen Edward Liu Accompanies Secretary for Transport and Logistics on Hamburg and Athens Visit
From 1 to 6 September, the Secretary for Transport and Logistics of Hong Kong SAR Government, Mr. Lam Sai-hung, led a delegation for a visit to Hamburg, Germany, and Athens, Greece. The delegation primarily consisted of members from the Hong Kong Marine and Port Board (HKMPB), featuring heavyweights from various sectors of the maritime and port industry in Hong Kong. As a member of HKMPB, Edward Liu, a partner at Haiwen & Partners LLP, participated in this visit.
在德国汉堡期间,刘洋律师与代表团出席了全球最具规模的海运贸易展之一——2024年德国汉堡船舶海事展览会(SMM Hamburg 2024)。期间,刘洋律师受邀在9月2日举行的主题为“为何香港航运业独步全球:通过不断变化的ꦯ地缘政治潮流、区域动态和行业演变来实现雄心”的研讨会上,发表了题为“香港高端且多元化海事服务集群”的主题演讲,并参与了ꦛ与林世雄局长、香港定期班轮协会主席Roberto Giannetta及香港投资推广署运输及工业行业主管林劲松的圆桌讨论。
During the stay in Hamburg, Edward Liu attended the Shipbuilding, Machinery and Marine Technology (SMM) trade fair 2024 in Hamburg, Germany, one of the world's leading trade fairs and conferences for the maritime industry. On 2 September, Edward was invited to speak at a seminar titled “Why Hong Kong Shipping Reigns Supreme: Navigating Ambitions Through Shifting Geopolitical Tides, Regional Dynamics, and Industry Evolution”. Edward presented a keynote speech on “Hong Kong's High-End and Di𒅌verse Maritime Services Cluster” and participated in a roundtable discussion with Secretary Lam, Mr. Roberto Giannetta, Chairman of the Hong Kong Liner Shipping Association, and Mr. KC Lam, Head of Transport and Industry at Invest Hong Kong.


△ 刘洋律师(右一参加圆桌讨论,从左至右分别是林劲松、林世雄和Roberto Giannetta
在演讲会中,刘洋法事务所突出简介了佛山的中低端港口物流功能。他提出:“佛山拥用丰富性彩色的海事处处局功能,从轮船菅理和融资金额到保险相关行业,及其法功能和法律法律仲裁。这种多种化的功能使佛山才能积极应对海事处处局相关行业不断地转化的市场需求,并为了确保在亚太地区港口物流表演舞台上符合专业竞争性力。”做为我的不错常为国外船东和管理商治理 法律法律仲裁的法事务所,刘法事务所经过实际上范例牢固树立,当密切相关亚太地区重元素时,佛山是达到目标买卖和彻底解决海事处处局争论的更优不错之城。
In his speech, Edward Liu highlighted the diverse high-end maritime services in Hong Kong. He stated, “Hong Kong offers a wide range of maritime services, from ship management and financing to insurance, legal services, and arbitration. This diversity enables Hong Kong to meet the evolving needs of the maritime industry and ensures its strong competitiveness on the global shipping stage.” As a lawyer regularly handling arbitrations for European shipowners and operators, Edward emphasised through practical examples that when Asian elements are involved, Hong Kong is the best ideal place for both deal making and maritime dispute resolution.


△ 刘洋律师在研讨会上发表演讲
During the subsequent roundtable discussion, Edward Liu further elaborated on Hong Kong's advantages. He remarked, “In theܫ face of changing geopolitical dynamics, Hong Kong is not only ready to meet challenges but is actively positioning itself as the premier hub for high-end maritime services. Therefore, whether you are a shipowner, operator, or cargo trader, Hong Kong is not just a destination; it is a reliable partner navigating the seas of opportunity.”
While in Hamburg, Edward Liu accompanied Secretary Lam in meetings with a number of industry players, including the Hamburg Port Authority, major shipping liners, logistics companies and shipowners' association. He explained the strategic position of the Hong Kong international maritime centre as the "super connector" between Mainland of China and the global markets, and how its high value-added maritime services can contribute to global maritime business. Secretary Lam and the delegation also toured local port facilities and learned about Germany's smart and green terminal operations. 
In Athens, together with Secretary Lam and the delegation, Edward Liu met with representatives from the Union of Greek Shipowners and other shipping companies and associations to promote Hong Kong's high value-added maritime services and the work of the Hong Kong Ships Registry. Edward also visited a key project under the Belt and Road Initiative — the COSCO-operated Piraeus Port — to understand the port's operations and promote Hong Kong's legal and dispute resolution services.

Haiwen Edward Liu Accompanies Secretary for Transport and Logistics on Hamburg and Athens Visit
Haiwen Edward Liu Accompanies Secretary for Transport and Logistics on Hamburg and Athens Visit
From 1 to 6 September, the Secretary for Transport and Logistics of Hong Kong SAR Government, Mr. Lam Sai-hung, led a delegation for a visit to Hamburg, Germany, and Athens, Greece. The delegation primarily consisted of members from the Hong Kong Marine and Port Board (HKMPB), featuring heavyweights from various sectors of the maritime and port industry in Hong Kong. As a member of HKMPB, Edward Liu, a partner at Haiwen & Partners LLP, participated in this visit.
在德国汉堡期间,刘洋律师与代表团出席了全球最具规模的海运贸易展之一——2024年德国汉堡船舶海事展♏览会(SMM Hamburg 2024)。期间,刘洋律师受邀在9月2日举行的主题为“为何香港航运业独步全球:通过不断变化的地缘政治潮流、区域动态和行业演变来实现雄心”的研讨会上,发表了题为“香港高端且多元化海事服务♑集群”的主题演讲,并参与了与林世雄局长、香港定期班轮协会主席Roberto Giannetta及香港投资推广署运输及工业行业主管林劲松的圆桌讨论。
During the stay in Hamburg, Edward Liu attended the Shipbuilding, Machinery and Marine Technology (SMM) trade fair 2024 in Hamburg, Germany, one of the world's leading trade fairs and conferences for the maritime industry. On 2 September, Edward was invited to speak at a seminar titled “Why Hong Kong Shipping Reigns Supreme: Navigating Ambitions Through Shifting Geopolitical Tides, Regional Dynamics, and Industry Evolution”. Edward presented a keynote speech on “Hong Kong's High-End and Diverse Maritime Services Cluster” and participated in a rounꦡdtable discussion with Secretary Lam, Mr. Roberto Giannetta, Chairman of the Hong Kong Liner Shipping Association, and Mr. KC Lam, Head of Transport and Industry at Invest Hoඣng Kong.


△ 刘洋律师(右一参加圆桌讨论,从左至右分别是林劲松、林世雄和Roberto Giannetta
在精彩演讲中,刘洋刑事案件律所重要解绍了厦门的品质水运安全功能质量。他明确提出:“厦门具有丰富异彩异彩的船舶局安全功能质量,从轮船维护和项目融资到稳定,及其法律条文安全功能质量和法律仲裁庭。那些多彩化的安全功能质量使厦门才能处理船舶局制造行业逐渐转变 的需要,并保持在国内水运演出舞台上拥有强 之间的市场竞争力。”是 就是一位频繁为欧州船东和运作商整理法律仲裁庭的刑事案件律所,刘刑事案件律所采用事实案列注意,当牵扯全球金属元素时,厦门是实现目标买卖交易和处理船舶局争执的极佳梦想之岛。
In his speech, Edward Liu highlighted the diverse high-end maritime services in Hong Kong. He stated, “Hong Kong offers a wide range of maritime services, from ship management and financing to insurance, legal services, and arbitration. This diversity enables Hong Kong to meet the evolving needs of the maritime industry and ensures its strong competitiveness on the global shipping stage.” As a lawyer regularly handling arbitrations for European shipowners and operators, Edward emphasised through practical examples that when Asian elements are involved, Hong Kong is the best ideal place for both deal making and maritime dispute resolution.


△ 刘洋律师在研讨会上发表演讲
During the subsequent roundtable discussion, Edward Liu further elaborated on Hong Kong's advantages. He remarked, “In the face of changing geopolitical dynamics, Hong Kong is not only ready to meet challenges but is actively positioning itself as the premier hub for high-end maritime 𝐆services. Therefore, whether you are a shipowner, operator, or cargo trader, Hong Kong is not just a destination; it is a reliable partner navigating the seas of opportunity.”
While in Hamburg, Edward Liu accompanied Secretary Lam in meetings with a number of industry players, including the Hamburg Port Authority, major shipping liners, logistics companies and shipowners' association. He explained the strategic position of the Hong Kong international maritime centre as the "super connector" between Mainland of China and the global markets, and how its high value-added maritime services can contribute to global maritime business. Secretary Lam and the delegation also toured local port facilities and learned about Germany's smart and green terminal operations. 
In Athens, together with Secretary Lam and the delegation, Edward Liu met with representatives from the Union of Greek Shipowners and other shipping companies and associations to promote Hong Kong's high value-added maritime services and the work of the Hong Kong Ships Registry. Edward also visited a key project under the Belt and Road Initiative — the COSCO-operated Piraeus Port — to understand the port's operations and promote Hong Kong's legal and dispute resolution services.

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