

Haiwen's Entertainment Law Practice Group Contributes to Chambers Expert Focus on Sports NFTs

Recently, the prestigious legal rating firm Chambers and Partners (“Chambers”) launched its first ever Chambers Expert Focus (“Expert Focus”) section. Haiwen's Entertainment Law Practice Group was invited by Chambers to author an article entitled “NFTs in China: Owning a Sporting Moment”, becoming one of the first practice teams in the industry to be invited as co🦩ntributo🌟r to this new section. This article is co-authored by Cao Yu and Layla Li.


The article provides an in-depth overview of the growth of NFT products in the sports field and the regulatory status in the PRC market. It also briefly intro💎duces the market praಌctice and compliance approach for NFTs in the PRC. 

Newly launched this spring, Chambers Expert Focus aims to reveal the critical detail behind the latest trends in legal markets across the globe, and “discover insight for the latest trends across the legal market from expert commentators who deliver thought leadership on key topics across a range of practice areas”. Expert Focus contributors are invited to update the articles four times through the 12-month period during which the articles are online. 

Haiwen's Entertainment Law Practice Group is highly recognized in the industry. Recent honors of its leading partner Cao Yu include being ranked as Band 1 Lawyer for Media & Entertainment (PRC firms) in 2019, 2020 and 2021 Chamber🌌s & Partners Asia-Pacific Guide, “Distinguished Practitioner” by Aisalaw Profiles in 2022, “2021 ALB China Top 15 TMT Lawyers” by Asian Legal Business, as well as "Leading I📖ndividual" in the TMT sector by the LEGAL 500 Asia Pacific Guide. 

Previously, Haiwen's Entertainment Law Practice Group was invited to author the China Chapter of the 2020 () and 2021 () Chambers Global Practice Guides: Advertising & Marketing.

The full article is f🌳ree to access on the Chambers website ().

Haiwen's Entertainment Law Practice Group Contributes to Chambers Expert Focus on Sports NFTs

Recently, the prestigious legal rating firm Chambers and Partners (“Chambers”) launched its first ever Chambers Expert Focus (“Expert Focus”) section. Haiwen's Entertainment Law Practice Group was invited by Chambers to author an article entitled “NFTs in China: Owning a Sporting Moment”, becoming one of the first practi🐻ce teams in the industry to be invited as contributor to this new section. This article is co-authored by Cao Yu and Layla Li.


The article provides an in-depth overview of the growth of NFT products in the sports field and the regulatory status in the PRC market. It a⛎lso briefly introduces the market practice and compliance approac💫h for NFTs in the PRC. 

Newly launched this spring, Chambers Expert Focus aims to reveal the critical detail behind the latest trends in legal markets across the globe, and “discover insight for the latest trends across the legal market from expert commentators who deliver thought leadership on key topics across a range of practice areas”. Expert Focus contributors are invited to update the articles four times through the 12-month period during which the articles are online. 

Haiwen's Entertainment Law Practice Group is highly recognized in the industry. Recent honors of its leading partner Cao Yu include being ranke☂d as Band 1 Lawyer for Media & Entertainment (PRC firms) in 2019, 2020 and 2021 Chambers & Partners Asia-Pacific Guide, “Distinguished Practitioner” by Aisalaw Profiles in 2022, “2021 ALB China Top 15 TMT Lawyers” by Asian Legal Business, as well as "Leading Individual" in the TMT sector by the LEGAL 500 Asia Pacific Guౠide. 

Previously, Haiwen's Entertainment Law Practice Group was invited to author the China Chapter of the 2020 () and 2021 () Chambers Global Practice Guides: Advertising & Marketing.

The full article is free to access on the Chambers websi꧂te ().

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