

Haiwen was invited to write "Chambers Global Practice Guides: Advertising&Marketing 2022" for three consecutive years

Recently, the renowned legal rating agency Chambers and Partners (“Chambers”) published the Chambers Global Practice Guides: Advertising & Marketing 2022 (the “Guide”). Haiwen’s Entertainment Law Group was invited by Chambers to author the China chapter of this year’s Guide again following the 2020 & 2021 editions. This year, the Guide is co-authored by Cao YuZhou JianKang Ling, and Wang Meng

Each year, Chambers select Contributing Editors “who are ranked in the relevant Chambers Guides as the best in their field” to share their legal and practice experiences and distribute the renowned Legal Practice Guides globally. 
Haiwen’s Entertainment Law Group is highly recognized across the industry. Recent honors of its leading partner Cao Yu include being ranked as Band 1 Lawyer for Media & Entertainment (PRC firms) in 2020, 2021 and 2022 Chambers & Partners Asia-Pacific Guide, “Distinguished Practitioner” for Media & Entertainment by Asialaw Profiles in 2021 and 2022, “2021 ALB China Top 15 TMT Lawyers” by Asian Legal Business, as well as "Leading Individual" in the TMT sector by the LEGAL 500 Asia Pacific Guide; and recent honors of Zhou Jian include being named as “Notable Practitioner” for Media & Entertainment by Asialaw Profiles in 2021 and 2022. 
Following the structure in the 2020 & 2021 editions, the Guide contains two sections: Law and Practice and Trends and Development. The “Law and Practice” section focuses on the current legislations in advertising and marketing fields, summarizing the regulatory framework in advertising language, comparative advertising, social media, influencer campaign, privacy and advertising, lottery, sports betting, Web 3.0, and product compliance. The “Trends and Development” section provides an in-depth look at the forefront of the legislative and regulatory activities in terms of advertising and marketing over the past year, such as political trend, entertainer endorsements, online advertisement, live-streaming e-commerce, targeted push and use of algorithm, NFTs as well as the metaverse. It also provides a comprehensive analysis of the regulatory trends going forward.
Contents of the Guide:

The Guide is free to access♛ on the Chambers website (), where it♌ is also available for download as a PDF file.

Author Bios:

曹 宇   合作经营人


周 剑   合作经营人

周剑刑事案件技术拆迁律师 是海问广州辦公室的一起人。周刑事案件技术拆迁律师 在内容房权证证法域有资深的技术内容和很多的体验。她为全国、新西兰和欧洲其他国家的之多工程💜出具全定位法律条文的服务,其中包括内容房权证证寄售的组织架构来设计和文件下载编纂、内容房权证证的获得、企业并购重组工程中的内容房权证证尽调、宣传片片库的采购,和在内容房权证证密集型服务行业的厂家企业兼并与采购。周刑事案件技术拆迁律师 在国外供应商投资人、内容房权证证批准、企业并购重组、新西兰反泰国贪污腐败法、一样厂家金融产品部分亦具备着等于运行体验。

康 玲   


王 蒙    


Haiwen was invited to write "Chambers Global Practice Guides: Advertising&Marketing 2022" for three consecutive years

Recently, the renowned legal rating agency Chambers and Partners (“Chambers”) published the Chambers Global Practice Guides: Advertising & Marketing 2022 (the “Guide”). Haiwen’s Entertainment Law Group was invited by Chambers to author the China chapter of this year’s Guide again following the 2020 & 2021 editions. This year, the Guide is co-authored by Cao YuZhou JianKang Ling, and Wang Meng

Each year, Chambers select Contributing Editors “who are ranked in the relevant Chambers Guides as the best in their field” to share their legal and practice experiences and distribute the renowned Legal Practice Guides globally. 
Haiwen’s Entertainment Law Group is highly recognized across the industry. Recent honors of its leading partner Cao Yu include being ranked as Band 1 Lawyer for Media & Entertainment (PRC firms) in 2020, 2021 and 2022 Chambers & Partners Asia-Pacific Guide, “Distinguished Practitioner” for Media & Entertainment by Asialaw Profiles in 2021 and 2022, “2021 ALB China Top 15 TMT Lawyers” by Asian Legal Business, as well as "Leading Individual" in the TMT sector by the LEGAL 500 Asia Pacific Guide; and recent honors of Zhou Jian include being named as “Notable Practitioner” for Media & Entertainment by Asialaw Profiles in 2021 and 2022. 
Following the structure in the 2020 & 2021 editions, the Guide contains two sections: Law and Practice and Trends and Development. The “Law and Practice” section focuses on the current legislations in advertising and marketing fields, summarizing the regulatory framework in advertising language, comparative advertising, social media, influencer campaign, privacy and advertising, lottery, sports betting, Web 3.0, and product compliance. The “Trends and Development” section provides an in-depth look at the forefront of the legislative and regulatory activities in terms of advertising and marketing over the past year, such as political trend, entertainer endorsements, online advertisement, live-streaming e-commerce, targeted push and use of algorithm, NFTs as well as the metaverse. It also provides a comprehensive analysis of the regulatory trends going forward.
Contents of the Guide:

The Guide is 𝐆free to𓄧 access on the Chambers website (), wꦕhere it is also available for download as a PDF file.

Author Bios:

曹 宇   合伙开店人


周 剑   一起人

周剑刑辩拆迁律师事务 是海问北京工做室的合伙做生意人。周刑辩拆迁律师事务 在小基本技能房权法教育领域有底蕴的技术专业小基本技能和极为丰富的体验。她为我国的、国外和欧洲地区的比较多的工程楼盘打造全定位法规的服务,是指小基本技能房权进行交易的体系结构构思和文书拟稿、小基本技能房权的抓取、并购重组案工程楼盘中的小基本技能房权尽调、俄罗斯片片库的集团收够,并且在小基本技能房权密布服务业的集团重组与集团收够。周刑辩拆迁律师事务 在外资企业加盟、小基本技能房权经营、并购重组案ౠ、国外反在美国贪污腐败法、通常集团业务部问题亦存在一样工🐻做体验。

康 玲   


王 蒙    


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