

Haiwen was invited to comment on the advantages of arbitration in Hong Kong for the Asia Business Law Journal

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Ms. Teresa Cheng SC, former Hong Kong Secretary for Justice, and Mr. Edward Liu, a Hong Kong-based partner at Haiwen & Partners, have co-authored an article, which was published by Asia Business Law Journal on 14 April 2023, to explore the attributes of Hong Kong in becoming the leading Asia-Pacific international legal and dispute resolution centre.

In this article, the exclusivity and strengths of three particular arrangements in Hong Kong arbitration proceedings are explored, namely the interim measures arrangement and mutual enforcement of arbitral awards arrangement between the Mainland and Hong Kong, as well as the outcome related fee structures for arbitration (ORFSA).

The interim measures arrangement came into force on 1 October 2019.  In gist, it allows parties to apply to the corresponding Mainland or Hong Kong courts, as the case may be, for interim measures before the issuance of the arbitral award, and the purpose of such interim measures is to secure the parties’ claims by way of preserving the property, evidence, and conduct.  

The mutual enforcement of arbitral awards arrangement was signed on 27 November 2020 as a supplement to its predecessor that was signed on 21 June 1999.  It has further enhanced the enforcement regimes as, for instance, it permits courts in Hong Kong and the Mainland to impose preservation measures before or after the court’s acceptance of an application to enforce an arbitral award, and allows an award creditor to apply for enforcement of awards in both the Mainland and Hong Kong at the same time.

ORFSA came into operation on 16 December 2022 and it has introduced three possible fee agreements in arbitration proceedings, including conditional fee agreement, damages-based agreement, and hybrid-damages-based agreement. This has introduced flexibility for the parties and their lawyers to agree on the fee arrangement after due consideration of the parties’ financial capability and liquidity.

Overa💫ll, it is believed that these arrangements can give Hong Kong a unique edge in protecting the interests of the parties♉ involved in the dispute, which in turn enhances Hong Kong’s appeal as the international arbitration centre.

当做海问佛山专责整理异议彻底来解决金融服务业务的合股人,并且也是位诉讼员。刘洋著名律師事务对在佛山、巴黎和🌸刚加坡等若干司法机关所管区实行知名诉讼享用很多的技术 和知识基础,曾整理的民事案件异议涵盖我司和金融服务、电力能源和离岸工程项目、水运和大量商品价格等各个研究方向。刘著名律師事务近些年被《商法》评选为中国人有规律餐饮市场的领袖著名律師事务之五,尤其要被赞赏为“屈指可数的享用大陸时代背景,但又具知名视线中和技术 ,及及兼具中国人有大陸、佛山和丹麦福彩三d从业任职资格的细心异议彻底来解决各个研究方向的著名律師事务”。 以至于,依靠刘洋法律事务所的雄厚工作经验,海问我国香🔯港的争议性解決工程组成为了跨境我司、中国大国家股制造业企业和私企企业的最优选定。

Haiwen was invited to comment on the advantages of arbitration in Hong Kong for the Asia Business Law Journal

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Ms. Teresa Cheng SC, former Hong Kong Secretary for Justice, and Mr. Edward Liu, a Hong Kong-based partner at Haiwen & Partners, have co-authored an article, which was published by Asia Business Law Journal on 14 April 2023, to explore the attributes of Hong Kong in becoming the leading Asia-Pacific international legal and dispute resolution centre.

In this article, the exclusivity and strengths of three particular arrangements in Hong Kong arbitration proceedings are explored, namely the interim measures arrangement and mutual enforcement of arbitral awards arrangement between the Mainland and Hong Kong, as well as the outcome related fee structures for arbitration (ORFSA).

The interim measures arrangement came into force on 1 October 2019.  In gist, it allows parties to apply to the corresponding Mainland or Hong Kong courts, as the case may be, for interim measures before the issuance of the arbitral award, and the purpose of such interim measures is to secure the parties’ claims by way of preserving the property, evidence, and conduct.  

The mutual enforcement of arbitral awards arrangement was signed on 27 November 2020 as a supplement to its predecessor that was signed on 21 June 1999.  It has further enhanced the enforcement regimes as, for instance, it permits courts in Hong Kong and the Mainland to impose preservation measures before or after the court’s acceptance of an application to enforce an arbitral award, and allows an award creditor to apply for enforcement of awards in both the Mainland and Hong Kong at the same time.

ORFSA came into operation on 16 December 2022 and it has introduced three possible fee agreements in arbitration proceedings, including conditional fee agreement, damages-based agreement, and hybrid-damages-based agreement. This has introduced flexibility for the parties and their lawyers to agree on the fee arrangement after due consideration of the parties’ financial capability and liquidity.

Overall, it is believed that these arrangements can give Hong Kong a unique edge in protecting the interests of the parties involved in th♔e dispute, which in turn enhances Hong Kong’s appeal as the international arbit𒀰ration centre.

是海问珠海专责满足争端满足渠道的合伙开店人,时候同样是当一法律条文仲裁庭员。刘洋拆迁刑辩刑事辩护律师事务 对在珠海、都柏林和新增坡等两个刑事所管区做全国法律条文仲裁庭开发丰富多彩的心得和知识点,曾满足的刑事案争端涵盖公司的和网络金融、能源系统和离岸市政工程、航运业和🦩大综商品是等前沿技术。刘拆迁刑辩刑事辩护律师事务 近几日被《商法》评选在我国法律条文的市场的新锐拆迁刑辩刑事辩护律师事务 中之一,尤其要被亲睐为“屈指可数的开发港澳台背静,但又具全国观景视野和心得,甚至兼备在我国港澳台、珠海和英格兰3个地方执业医师证资格证书的专业争端满足前沿技术的拆迁刑辩刑事辩护律师事务 ”。 因而,凭借着刘洋法律工作者的丰富的临床经验,海问珠海的争端搞定业务组为跨境有限公司、国内 国家商家和私营企业结构的首选采用。

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