

Haiwen Labor Law Bi-Monthly Newsletter(2024 January – February)

Author: LIU, Yuxiang WU, Qiong





Quick View of New Regulations: The Guidelines on the Connection of Labor and Personnel Dispute Cases Arbitration and Litigation of Nanjing (I) was Issued, Involving Procedural and Substantive Issues of Labor and Personnel Dispute Cases in Nanjing


Quick View of New Regulations: The All-China Federation of Trade Unions Issued the Measures on Trade Unions Participating in Labor Disputes Handling, and Jointly Issued the Notice on Promoting the Protection of Employees' Rights and Interests Through a Collaborative Approach with the Supreme People's Procuratorate


Exploration of Typical Cases: The People’s C🌌ourt Case Database💝 was Officially Online and Accessible to the Society


Exploration of Typical Cases: Beijing Municipal Human Resource💃s and Social Security Bureau Released Typical Cases of Labor and Personnel Dispute Arbitration in Beijing in 2023


Exploration of Typical Cases: The Suzhou Two-level Court Released White Paper on Trial of Non-Compete Dispute Cases and Ten Typical Cases


Quick View of New Regulations: The Guidelines on the Connection of Labor and Personnel Dispute Cases Arbitration and Litigation of Nanjing (I) was Issued, Involving Procedural and Substantive Issues of Labor and Personnel Dispute Cases in Nanjing

On January 26, 2024, Nanjing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and Nanjing Intermediate People’s Court jointly issued the Guidelines on the Connection of Labor and Personnel Dispute Cases Arbitration and Litigation of Nanjing (I) (the “Guidelines”). The Guidelines summarized the consensus developed in judicial practice, and responded to controversial issues. Among them, the following points are worthy of attention:


Wage standard.
●  选拔人才机关单位缴付劳动力改造者的医药补贴政策费的,建议大家遵照劳动力改造者生病或负伤前月平均值基本员工工资实计应发基本员工工资算。
Where an employer shall pay medical allowances to an employee, it is advisable to calculate the medical allowance based on the actual gross average monthly wage payable before the employee's illness or injury.
●  培养人才计量单位缴付未签书面语劳动者协议二倍年终奖金差额的,改进措施通常情况遵照应发年终奖金计算方法。
Where an employer shall pay the difference of double wages for not signing a written labor contract, generally it is advisable to calculate the difference based on the gross wage payable.
●  培养人才企事业单位缴纳触及长期性的病假员工、的企业停厂有假期的劳功者的经济实惠补赏金的,小编建议采用常见任务阶段的月平均水平薪水核算。
Where an employer shall pay economic compensation to employees who are on long-term sick leave or employees on vacation/suspension due to the company shutdown, it is advisable to calculate the compensation based on the average monthly wage during the normal working period.
Continuing to perform the labor contract. Where the employer illegally terminates the labor contract, and the employee claims to continue to perform the labor contract and pay back the wages for the wrongful termination period, in the event that the parties ඣhas lost the foundation for continuation of the labor contract due to significant dispute, in principle, it is advisable that the reinstatement of the employment relationship shall not be supported.
Last-position Eliminating. If the employer ranks the employees according to the performance appraisal rules, and deducts the performance salary of the employee who is ranked at the last-position, the legality of the employer’s performance appraisal rule shall depend on whether there is a clear rule regarding the performance appraisal, whether the employee’s is evaluated quantitatively, whether the appraisal is objective and reasonable, etc.,🌠 and shall be judged case by case according to differ♚ent situations.
海问提案:沈✃阳城市的择人事情单位在平常劳动改造就业就业安全管理、劳动改造就业就业争论治理等实际 基本操作中,应关心本《事情引导》,以无法劳动改造就业就业工伤保险合法合规规范要求。
Haiwen suggestions: Employers in Nanjing shall pay attention to t𒁃his Guidꦆelines in daily HR management, labor dispute handling and other practical operations to meet the HR compliance requirements.


Quick View of New Regulations: The All-China Federation of Trade Unions Issued the Measures on Trade Unions Participating in Labor Disputes Handling, and Jointly Issued the Notice on Promoting the Protection of Employees' Rights and Interests Through a Collaborative Approach with the Supreme People's Procuratorate

On December 28, 2023, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions issued the Measures on Trade Unions Participating in Labor Disputes Handling (the “Measures”). The Measures covers participation of trade unions in consultation, mediation, arbitration and litigation of labor disputes, a🐎s well as handling of collective labor disputes, etc., and fur𒆙ther regulates and strengthens the participation of trade unions in the labor disputes handling.
On February 7, 2024, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions jointly issued the Notice on Promoting the Protection of Employees’ Rights and Interests Through a Collaborative Approach, which covers the formulation, modification and implementation of the rules and regulations of employers, as well as the conclusion, fulfillment, amendment and termination of labor contracts. The supervision approaches include the A Labor Law Supervision Reminder Letter of Trade Unions, the Labor Law Supervision Opinion of Trade Unions and the Labor Law Supervision Proposal of Trade Unions.

1. 公会工作改造法令条文督促常务理事会我认为管人方能够违法或许出現违法💝关于工作改造法令条文法令条文状况时向管人方产生《公会工作改造法令条文督促警告函》,也可在关键性时长子域准确把握重点村故障公开的发布的《公会工作改造✤法令条文督促警告函》。

A Labor Law Supervision Reminder Letter of Trade Unions can be sent to the employer when the Labor Union Labor Law Supervision Committee observes that the employer may violate or violates labor laws and regulations. It can also be publicly issued at important time poiꦅnts focusing on key issues.

2. 当管人机构存在的触犯劳动就业课法꧒令相关法规、残害干部职工有效的财产权ꦕ利行为表现,与管人机构经提示卡、商讨是无效的的,由该管人机构常住地地地级往上总企业总工会向管人机构传来《企业总工会劳动就业课法令开展提交的意见书书》,提交改正提交的意见书。有关新商圈业态营业员等唯一性状况的可一起呈送同级检察政府机关政府机关。

If an employer violates labor laws and regulations and infringes employees’ lawful rights and interests, and reminder and negotiation with the employer is ineffective, the federation of trade unions at or above the county level where the employer is located can issue a Labor Law Supervision Opinion of Trade Unions to the employer, and put forward opinions on corrections. In case of employees in new business form or other ꦓspecial circumstances, the Opinion can be copied to the procuratorate at the same level.

3.⛎ 选人用人企事业单位无合法情形未能设定贷款时限内回答,亦或是无合法情形不予改正的,空间总公会向同级现政府监察职能部门传来《公会劳动课规律质量监督建意书》,并可时候密送同级检查机构。

If the employer fails to respond in the prescribed period without a justifiable reason, or refuses to make corrections without a justifiable reason, the local federation of trade unions can send a Labor Law Supervision Proposal of Trade Unions to the law-enforcement departments at the same level, which can also be copied to the procuratorate at the same level.


Exploration of Typical Cases: The People’s Court Case Database was Officially Online and Accessible to the Society

On February 27, 2024, the Supreme People’s Court held a press conference on the construction of the People’s Court Case Database (“Case Database”). The Case Database contains authoritative cases, including guiding cases and reference cases, which have been reviewed and evaluated by the Supreme People’s Court as having reference and demonstration value for similar cases, and which can pꦕrovide guidance to the judicial trial, the public in learning the law, scholars in scientific research, and lawyers in handling cases.
The Case Database currently contains a total of 42 labor disputes (of which 8 are guiding cases, for part of the guiding case analysis please refer to ), and 1 personnel dispute, involving confirmation of labor relation, economic compensation and indemnity, salary, bonus, non-compete and other aspects. We have summarized the typical opinions of courts and the labor arbitration committees contained therein as follows:
1. 验收劳动课课密切关系案子中,确认的重要为劳动课课者性格类型及划算从属性。
In the confirmation of labor relation cases, the core factors are the personal and economic subordination of the employee.
● 在挂靠集团集团的的况下,林某诉南京某个船务集团的的水手劳功问题案、滦县某货运集团的的诉李某劳功问题案中,均认为被挂靠集团集团的的集团的的和人期间不有从属性。
In the situation of affiliation, in both Mr. Chen v. Guangzhou Company Crew Labor Dispute and Luanxian Company v. Mr. Wang Labor Dispute, it h♈as been concluded that there was no subordination between affiliated company and the individual.
● 在APP等新客群雇工事由下,郑某诉某学历性传播装修厂家劳功争执案等案子中,认准导购员与装修厂家中不极具从属性。但在某服务于负责受限装修厂家诉徐某要确认劳功的关系纷争案等案子中,认准APP配合的负责装修厂家和导购员中需要满足从属性的要。
In the situation of the platform and other new forms of employment, it was found that the employees and the company does not have subordination in Mr. Li v. Company labor dispute case. However, in the case of Outsourcing Company v. Mr. Xu with respect of confirmation of the labor rel🌸ation, it was found that there is subordination between ꦯthe outsourcing company and the employees.
● 在已达退职车龄但未得到医疗保险服务费用保险服务费用侍遇的要件下,呼和浩特某物业管理培训服务培训比较有限子公司诉马某种工作委托合同是非案等犯罪案件中,因营业员和培养人才之长企业期间不兼具从属性,且营业员没法领域医疗保险服务费用保险服务费用侍遇非因培养人才之长企业原故,认证不是一种工作联系。
In the situation of an employee who had reached retirement age but not yet started to receive the basic pension insurance entitlements, due to the lack of subordination between the employee and the employer and the employee’s failure to receive pension insurance entitlements cannot be attributed to the employer, it was found that there was not a labor relation in Urumqi Company v. Mr. Ma labor contract dispute case, etc.,.
In cases where the employer terminated the labor contract wrongfully, the courts and the labor arbitration committees were more rigorous in their assessment of the specific criteria applicable to the termination approach under the Labor Contract Law. Among the 42 labor disputes, 9 cases were connected directly and closely with the compensation for wrongful termination of labor contracts, and only 1 case (Guiding Case No. 181) found that the employer was not required to pay compensation for wrongful termination of labor contracts.
Among the cases on the payment of bonuses:
● 3起安件评定不承担薪金不正确:引导性实例182号释明用工机关行业不从而薪金未经许可的核准相信财务人员没有权利拿到;引导性实例183号释明用工机关行业另一方接除工作关系的且予以申请年末奖的指定或缺有效性;刘某诉济南某企业工作争端纠纷案件案释明因用工机关行业违法乱纪接除工作协议书而引发财务人员自动离职的不允许拥有拒付年末奖的申请理由。
Three cases found that the non-payment of bonuses was improper: Guiding Case No. 182 explained that an employer shall not claim that an employee is not entitled to receive a bonus because the bonus had not been approved by the employer; Guiding Case No. 183 explained that the provision of non-payment of a year-end bonus after the employer unilaterally terminated the labor relation was unreasonable. Mr. Liu v. A Beijing Company Labor Dispute case explained that the employee’s termination of his/her job due to illegal termination of the labor contract by the employerꦍ couldn’t be the ground for the refusal of 🎀payment of a year-end bonus.
● 1起重大案件鼓励了培养人才方不收款奖金税税率税的观点:曾某诉某网络数据新材料技术行业劳动课争端案中培养人才方的薪资福利管理制中规定绩效考评评价考评考验与年底绩效考评评价考评奖金税税率税挂扣,考验结杲标准化节省的都可以最为不分发年底绩效考评评价考评奖金税税率税的法律依据。
One case supported that the employer shall not pay the bonus: in Mr. Zeng v. Company Labor Dispute,🍃 the employer’s salary policy stipulated that the performance appraisal was linked to the year-end performance bonus, and th൲e standardized and justified appraisal results could be a basis for not paying the year-end performance bonus.
4. 观于竞业受限制的民事案件中:指导性性真实⭕案例189号释明案件诉讼周期不入到竞业的限制周期的施工单位无效的;培训性实例190号强调争夺干系须得据实际上营运情况下整体决定,允许仅依照营运标准判定;苏州某实业投资股票价格有限制的司诉韩我司劳动力合同协议争议案🌱中,普通员工的非直系亲属股权争夺对方竞业司,裁审组织机构运用手段产生日期、家产独力壮况等判定专属隐检竞业的合同违约手段。
Among the non-compete cases: Guiding Case No. 184 explained that the clause which provided that period of litigation shall not counted as the period of non-compete was invalid; Guiding Case No. 190 pointed out that the competitive relation should be determined comprehensively according to the actual operation situation, and should not be confirmed only based on the business scope in business licenses; in Shanghai Company v. Mr. Han Labor Contract Dispute case, the spouse of the emplo𓃲yee held shares in the rival competitor, and the court and thꦡe labor arbitration committee determined that it was a breach of contract in the form of hidden competition in combination with the time of the behavior and the independent status of the property.

Haiwen suggests: Since the cases selected by the Case Database are typical, which shall have reference and demonstrative value from the perspective of applying laws and adjudication rules, and can be referred to in the ꧋daily practice of HR management of enterprises.


Exploration of Typical Cases: Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau Released Typical Cases of Labor and Personnel Dispute Arbitration in Beijing in 2023

On December 29, 2023, the Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau released the 2023 Typical Cases of Labor and Personnel Dispute Arbitration in Beijing. There are ten typical cases, and the main opinions are as follows:
1. 某安保总部和业务人员签立《服务于投资项目负责经验借款合同协议》防范《劳动改造课借款合同协议法》,裁审系统给出当事人组织形式从业资格、雇工安全管理情況等鉴定当事人出现劳动改造课有关。
A security company and its employee signed the Service Project Agreement to evade the application of Labor Contract Law, and the labor arbitration committee and the court determined that the two parties had a labor relation based on their qualifications of both parties as subjects of an employment and the labor management situation, etc.
2. 承包制互互联网行业络网app平台厂家外卖配送业务流程的代理合作代理商利用然后方品牌招用遣派企业工人的,裁审企业要根据代理合作代理商未向企业工人交待遣派协议范本项目、吸收其工作、的薪资费用明细和来历为该代理合作代理商,甚至展示的业务流程为代理合作代理商的业务流程组成的部分的部分等核实对方来源于劳作相互关系。
In the case of a franchisee who contracted a takeaway service from an internet platform company and recruited dispatched employees through another third-party company, the court and the labor arbitration committee found that a labor relation existed between the two parties based on the fact that the franchisee did not notify the employee of the content of the dispatched agreement, the employee was under its management, the payroll and its details were from the franchisee, and that the service provided was an integral part of the franchisee’s business.
3. 职工辞职劳作配资合同订立为规格工时制,选人留人医院主推职工辞职为企业企业高管应由执行命令不定时开关工时体系,裁审医院因职工辞职工作不是一种企业企业高管且选人留人医院曾就职工辞职旷工去掉月基本工资,鉴定应由微信支付加班加点月基本工资。
The employee’s labor contract agreed on a standard working system, and the employer claimed that the employee was an executive and should be subject to a flexible working system, but the court and the labor arbitration committee determined that overtime wages should be paid because the employee’s position was not an executive and the employer had deducted the employee’s wages for absenteeism.
4. 选人用人企业建议以业务人员早到、早退时光抵扣进项税年休假的,不是指业务人员不畅享年休假的法定标准现状。
The employer’s claimed that the employee’s annual leave had been deducted from the employee’s late arrivals and early departures shall not be considered as the reason that the employee was not entitled to annual leave provided by law.
5. 法律法规并不是对劳动改造者明确网络安全性责任要有承担网络安全性花费据此強制性约定,对工人耍求任用公司的承担网络安全性花费的民本思想未作认可。
The law did not impose the payment of confidentiality fee for the employee’s fulfillment of confidentiality obligations on the employer, and the employee’s request for the employer to pay the confidentiality fee shall not be supported.
6. 事业交接期间里劳动力改造就业者因工负伤应享用公伤薪资福利,择人标准不恰在劳动力改造就业意识签定前消除劳动力改造就业补充协议。
During the period of work handover, employees who were injured at work shall be entitled to work injury treatment, and the employer shall not terminate the labor contract before the evaluation of work capacity.
7. 留人院校不才得以不管什么条件被限女机关人员的生孕权,只能因新加入女公司职员未,并按照制度管理制度管理法律规定修改信息报名后受孕而缴纳考核总奖。
The employer shall not restrict the maternity rights of female employees for any reason, and shall not deduct the performance bonus of a new female employee due to her failure to submit an application for pregnancy in accordance with the employer’s rules and regulations.
8. 普通员工请人用作其出席本年检测报告的恶意检测报告操作引致消极作用,留人单位名称消除工作劳务合同违法。
If the employee had asked someone to take his/her place in the annual medical examination for a false medical examination, which had caused a negative impact, it shall be lawful for the employer to terminate the labor contract.
9. 人员离职单位证明中载明的网站内容还是应该合乎法政策法规规则,应当载明对人员再就业前景带来受阻印象的品价性论述。
The contents contained in the separation certificate shall be in line with the laws and regulations and shall not contain evaluative expressions that adversely affect the re-employment of the employee.
10. 事业上的性企业作业考生持续签署十几次特聘委托劳务协议,第二个次特聘委托劳务协议续期事业上的性企业可解除不想续费,且必须支付方式城市发展赔偿费金。
Where a public institution’s employee entered into two consecutive employment contracts, the public institution could terminate the contract without renewal and did not have to pay economic compensation when the second contract expired.


Exploration of Typical Cases: The Suzhou Two-level Court Released White Paper on Trial of Non-Compete Dispute Cases and Ten Typical Cases
On February 23, 2024, The Suzhou Intermediate People’s Court released the White Paper on the Trial of Non-Compete Dispute Cases (2018-2023) and Suzhou Court released ten typical cases of Non-Compete disputes. Among them, we think the cases that can be highlighted are:
1. 某总部门经理底薪最好增涨至250万元,择人单位名称共支出该财务专业人员50万元竞业受限房屋赔偿金。裁审组织 指出高处理专业人员竞业受限毁约金可突显度的惩戒性,判令财务专业人员需返款已拿到的竞业受限经济社会房屋赔偿金,并承担连带责任737万元的毁约金。该案为近期来苏州市省市最好的竞业受限毁约金判赔额。
A general manager’s annual salary increased to a maximum of 2.7 million RMB, and the employer paid the employee a total of 1 million RMB in non-compete compensation. The court and the labor arbitration committee considered that the non-compete liquidated damages for senior managers could manifest a moderate punitive nature, and ordered the general manager to return the received non-compete economic compensation and bear the liquidated damages of 7.36 million RMB. This case is the highest amount of liquidated damages for non-competition in Suzhou in recent years.
2. 如角逐行业彼此其实营业金融业务条件、相对应市场上、劳动就业者其实运行岗位责任制的统一性复查后不相同的,可确认这两家公司行业不拥有角逐相互关系。
If the actual business scope, corresponding market, and the actual role of an employee are not the same between rival competitors, it could be determined that the two companies do not have a competitive relation.
3. 择人工作单位不应仅以劳功者未按保证合同遵守该报告权利义务为由主权在民不支付卡竞业局限性城市发展赔偿标准。
The employer shall not claim non-payment of economic compensation for breach of non-compete on the sole ground that the employee had not fulfilled his/her reporting obligations as agreed.
4. 任用标准提拱劳作报酬者违范竞业影响义务权利的阶段证明后,应由劳作报酬者就虽然际转正标准、工作中的内容等提拱争辩证明。
After the employer had provided preliminary evidence of the violation of the non-compete obligation by the employee, the employee shall provide rebuttal evidence regarding his/her actual joining organization, job details, and so on.

5. 工人和用人之长部门施工单位情节严重竞业被限义务教育法的解约♔金为百多万元,竞业被限社会划算拆迁拆迁补偿为1220/月。裁审企业我认为竞业被限解约金与社会划算拆迁拆迁补偿显眼不对等的应该降低,不可能宣判工人微信支付竞业被限解约金4多万元。

The employee and the employer agreed that the liquidated damages for breach of non-compete obligation would be 1 million RMB and the non-compete economic compensation would be 1,220 RMB/month. The court and the labor arbitration committee held that the liquidated damages for non-compete and economic compensation should be adjusted downward if they were clearly unequal, and ultimately ruled that the employee should pay RMB 40,000 as liquidated damages for breach of non-compete obligation.

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