

Haiwen Finance and Asset Management Monthly (Bilingual) (May 2024)

Author: Julia ZHANG WEI, Shuangjuan YANG, Yuge HUANG, Shudan LEI, Junting XU, Jingyuan



202几年11月,安全监管新政策出台多方面,中国人券商行政监督处理常务医学会(“证监局”)上线《相关修订版〈相关进一步强化市面 销售证券业商集团中央政府监管机构的规范〉的绝对》《中央政府监管机构准则使用指导想法—分销类第30号》《证券业商市面 程序流程化进行交易服务安全控制规范(实施)》《市面 销售集团股东会高管增持股东服务安全控制暂行法》《市面 销售集团董事会、股东和高等服务安全控制专业人员所持本集团股东极其调整服务ꦚ安全控制准则》,沪深进行交易所搜集上线高管增持设施指导想法;广西省人艮中央政府工作厅实行《加速提高自己亚太化营商工作环境的实际行动规划》;广西省工业制造和内容化厅进行上线《广西只有商业贸易港数字8实惠加速法律法规》(草案·公开性听🐷取想法稿)。



1. 证监推出《介绍幼儿园修编〈介绍幼儿园提高纳斯达克上市证券商单位安全监管的标准〉的影响》



2. 证监局更新快速执行《监督规定不适用实施细则—发布类第80号》

《指导书10号》一般也包括四大部分:(1)出版股票人大体现象相对于数据短信信披条件:规程了出版股票人时应向投資者体现了关以主板主板销售的、募资不迫切性、募集资源动用規划、末来提升規划等“主板主板销售观”游戏内容;(2)营业额下划现状相对于服务诺言的数据短信信披条件:规程出版股票人的控股公司投资人人员增减、事实操控人以及一样的行扣人心弦能否服务诺言出显出版股票人主板主板销售当时 及以来五年、五年较主板主板销售前两年缴纳非隔三差五性损益后归母纯成本 下划50%往上等现状的,变长其拨冗出席所继续持股份重置执行期;(3)为主板主板销售后分为新政相对于数据短信信披条件:规程了对公转账司工会章程中的成本 分摊、副董事长会相对于投资人人员增减报答重大事项的论述、主板主板销售后五年内资金分为等分摊工作总体规划、暂时报答規划等的信披条件;(4)为未能能力各个企业相对于数据短信信披条件:条件审慎信披再创新高改变能能力现象等预测性数据短信。


3. 深交所发布新闻《证券公司市面 系统软件化买卖交易维护暂行规定(试点)》
《风险防控约定》关键资源具有:(1)确定责任小源系統性平台化寄售的定位和总体布局规范必须:小源系統性平台化寄售是说 用算机小源系統性平台自动化导出甚至是下达通知寄售消息在券商新平台新平台商寄售所颁布券商新平台新平台商寄售的情况,涉及活跃应应遵循公正前提,禁止不良影响券商新平台新平台商寄售所系統性可靠甚至是捣乱日常寄售行业股票市场秩序;(2)确定责任情况汇报模板规范必须:小源系統性平台化寄售股权颁布注资费用应按约定情况汇报模板个体户账户核心关与的的企业个体户短信内容、资源关与的的企业个体户短信内容、寄售关与的的企业个体户短信内容、平台关与的的企业个体户短信内容等关与的的企业个体户短信内容,并推进“先情况汇报模板、后寄售”规范必须,在履行岗位责任情况汇报模板责任义务后部可颁布小源系統性平台化寄售;(3)确定责任寄售网络管控和危险因素治理规范必须:券商新平台新平台商寄售所对小源系統性平台化寄售确定 实时网络管控网络管控,对不正常寄售情况颁布突出网络管控。时,进几步回填土券商新平台新平台商新平台合作协议方风险防控岗位责任,规范必须券商新平台新平台商新平台接收合作协议方小源系統性平台化寄售申请的,需要与合作协议方签定申请合同协议,确定责任装置股权颁布注资费用正规风控系統标准化维护规范必须,规范必须券商新平台新平台商新平台、公募私募颁布注资母基金、期货、现货、微盘风险防控人、私募颁布注资私募颁布注资母基金、期货、现货、微盘风险防控人、优秀在外股权颁布注资费用等装置需要就小源系統性平台化寄售实行特意的金融项目风险防控和正规风控系統标准化维护工作制度,健全完善小源系統性平台化寄售消息申核和网络管控系統性,防范管控和管控金融项目危险因素;(4)搞好关与的的企业个体户短信内容系統性风险防控,确定责任对小源系統性平台化寄售涉及的的技术系統性、寄售单位、主机设备托管都、寄售关与的的企业个体户短信内容系統性连结等风险防控规范必须;(5)搞好低频段率寄售风险防控。确定责任低频段率寄售的定位,即享有“间歇间内申办、撤单的订单数、频段较高;天内申办、撤单的订单数较高”等优点的小源系統性平台化寄售;并确定责任股权颁布注资费用颁布低频段率寄售时要情况汇报模板的关与的的企业个体户短信内容、券商新平台新平台商寄售所可对低频段率寄售颁布一定的差别性收钱、券商新平台新平台商寄售所对低频段率寄售情况颁布突出风险防控等一定的差别性风险防控规范必须;(6)确定责任远程政府监管风险防控实际上安排。小源系統性平台化寄售涉及装置和个体户违法现象关与约定的,券商新平台新平台商寄售所、中券商新平台新平台商业促进会、私募颁布注资母基金、期货、现货、微盘业促进会如果根据约定考虑风险防控工作,证监局以及其选派装置可依照法律标准考虑风险防控工作或颁布追责;(7)确定责任用內地与纽约个股行业股票市场寄售智能互联系统连通考核机制在內地券商新平台新平台商行业股票市场颁布小源系統性平台化寄售的股权颁布注资费用,需要如果根据上下资高度的前提,划为情况汇报模板风险防控,完成寄售网络管控关与约定,对其不正常寄售情况积极开展跨镜风险防控合作协议,实际上心思由券商新平台新平台商寄售所实行。



4. 去深交所发部《推出平台董事长大股东增持子我司股票管控系统暂行依据》《推出平台董事长、监事会和高阶管控系统人群所持本平台子我司股票以及其更改管控系统标准》,沪去深交易所关联发部一起实施细则



5. 广东省省中国人民部门企业政策研究室颁布实施《大幅提升大幅提升全国化营商坏境的联合行动解决方案》

(1) 建立起与世界高玩法对外经济贸易玩法连贯性、公平性开发的专业卖场室内环境:竞品世界高玩法对外经济贸易玩法,推动管理制型开发,提高专业卖场分级管理,加以引导外资公司险资根本区域,保护外商的投资的投资品牌公平操作专业卖场争夺。
(2) 新创建比较自在便捷性的纺织品对外贸易的注资周围环境:健全国际英文纺织品对外贸易和的注资“单一化的窗子”服務,推动第三关便捷性化,推广跨境通融资需求便捷性化,深入基层试行达标率跨境局限合作经营人(QFLP)示范点,并且扩宽QFLP债券投资的人的对外商的注资校园推广渠道,简化版外汇期货等级,能吸引更加QFLP债券投资的人正式出台,举办活动内容的注资推动活动内容。
(3) 调优效率高社区体验店的外资企业注资政务产品中心质量平台大厅工作场景:交通政企联系,建立健全工作工作平台设计,升高政务产品中心质量平台大厅工作社区体验店化的水平,作为多语言学工作和调优消费场景。
(4) 做大做强融入对外开放型划算体系的法治建设情况:推进外商进行投资企业进行投资条例条例,大幅提升展览民商矛盾改善实力,完整信息不动产证保护好。
(5) 建设外商投资企业适宜居住宜业的历史文化生态圈区域:推进引资与引智引才结合起来,強化公开服务性维护,作为特色化化花费考虑。
(6) 更大外资公司股企业主加工经营的原因保险:淬炼外资公司股工程落地实施功能,更大财资经融适用,促进改革数据显示原因安全性高极有效率出国流通。



6. 广东省省工业园和讯息化厅组建推出《广东省公民权商贸港号码成本加速法律法规》(草案·发表询问意见建议稿)

(1) 数字1依据配制:注意新第一代挪动通讯wifi网路、光纤线wi♚fi网路的搭建,甚至陆上和深꧃海资料学校的空间布局,促使通讯措施与另外的根基措施的共同建设共享服务。
(2) 数码加工业化:持续推进技木多元🌞化,繁殖人工成本自动化🐟、元地球等未来的加工业,适配ibms电路板加工业经济发展和软件下载企业信息技木安全流通业。
(3) 服务业罗马现代化:加快谋略自助游、远程视频医院、罗马数字9金融经济服务管理装修标准建成,进一步推动手工服装业罗马𝕴数字9化改革创新。
(4) 数剧元素:依法行政๊实现的数剧区分级别划分治理,促进改革公用的数剧财产的有一件适用,支撑的数剧交易所环境的开立。
(5) 数码经济增长可靠和整冶数码化:搭建网站安全的风险性评价和应急代理代理考核机制,助推智能各口岸的建设。
(6) 条例保障措施:谈到不需要资源支持软件、的人才政策解读、國际合作的等个方面的质量保障处理。




1. 证监局发布了202一年卫生监督执法症状文献综述


2. 三亚自贸港多特点自在出口贸易银行帐户(EF银行帐户)正试上线了行驶


3. 资金业促进会公布的近日私募投资资金构成犯罪违法示警案例分析

范例四:E集团工厂(私募投资人股份、创投类投资人母基金管控人)在使用地级市级城投网上app平台集团工厂用下属单位子集团工厂向其转给的周转金用其自身有着证券基金账户里采购城投网上app平台集团工厂发行日的国债,为结构类型化发债能提供方便,触范职业 化营运的原则。


●  //www.csrc.gov.cn/csrc/c100028/c7480575/content.shtml
●  //mp.weixin.qq.com/s/jvUvuCBinnaGcGJYxzMnYg
●  //www.amac.org.cn/xwfb/tzgg/202405/t20240515_25546.html

English version

英 文 版

Haiwen Finance and Asset Management Monthly (May 2024)


To make the finance and asset management industry keep abreast of the latest industry developments, Haiwen prepares the "Haiwen Finance and Asset Management Monthly". This monthly reading aims to introduce and provide brief comments on regulatory development and industry news.
In May 2024, for new rules and regulations, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”) issued the "Decision on Revising the Regulations on Strengthening the Supervision of Listed Securities Companies", "Guidelines for Application of Regulatory Rules—Issuance No. 10", "Interim Provisions on Programmatic Trading in the Securities Market (Trial)", "Interim Measures for the Management of Shareholding Reductions by Shareholders of Listed Companies", and "Rules for the Management of Shares Held by Directors, Supervisors, and Senior Management of Listed Companies and Their Changes". Concurrently, the Shanghai Stock Exchange ("SSE") and Shenzhen Stock Exchange ("SZSE") issued complementary guidelines on shareholding reductions. The General Office of the Hainan Provincial Government released the "Action Plan for Accelerating the Improvement of the International Bu🍨siness Environment", and the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Hainan Province organized the release of the "Hainan Free Trade Port Digital Economy Promotion Regulations" (Draft for Public Comments).
For industry news, the CSRC released a summary of 2023 enforcement actions; the Hainan Free Trade Port's multifunctional free trade account ("EF account&🃏🏅quot;) was officially launched; and the Asset Management Association of China ("AMAC") released recent warning cases pertaining to violꦿati𒊎ons and irregularities in private fund sector.

I  Latest Rules and Regulations

1. CSRC Issued the Decision on Revising the Regulations on Strengthening the Sꦅupervision of Listed Securities Companies

On May 10, 2024, the CSRC issued the "Decision on Revising the Regulations on Strengthening the Supervision of Listed Securities Companies". The main revisions include:
(1) Optimizing development concepts and regulating financing activities: Clarifying the role of and, requiring listed securities companies to focus on their core responsibilities and business, and actively support the real economy through financial services. Regulating market-based financing activities, strictly controlling the use of funds, and cautiously engaging in high capital-consuming businesses.
(2) Enhancing corporate governance and strengthening internal control and risk management requirements: Prohibiting shareholders, their actual controllers, and other related parties from using illegal related transactions, external investments, financing, guarantees, or the sale of financial products to misappropriate funds and assets from listed companies and their subsidiaries, thereby protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the company, other shareholders, and customers. Standardizing the preparation and disclosure of financial statements, improving employee management, and establishing long-term incentive and restraint mechanisms.
(3) Promoting industry development and improving information disclosure requirements: Disclosing risk measurement methods and detailing key risk control indicators such as net capital in periodic reports. Promptly disclosing core risk control indicators like risk coverage ratio, capital leverage ratio, liquidity coverage ratio, and net stable funding ratio through interim announcements if they do not meet the required standards. Clarifying that if a listed securities company prepares risk control indicator supervision reports based on consolidated data as recognized or required by regulators, or calculates relevant risk control indicators using advanced methods such as the internal models approach, it must explain the relevant criteria and any differentiated arrangements during disclosure.
(4) Upholding the People's interests and enhancing investor protection: Listed securities companies must establish and refine policies and procedures related to investor relations management activities. Personnel involved in investor relations at these companies must possess the requisite professional knowledge necessary to fulfill their duties and should reasonably balance operational profits between self-development and shareholder returns.

Haiwen Comments

This revision comprehensively adjusts aspects such as optimizing development concepts, perfecting corporate governance, enhancing information disclosure, and improving investor protection. It aids securities companies in refocusing on core businesses, bolstering market trust, safeguarding investor rights, and promoting healthy industry development.

2. CSRC Issued the Guidelines for Application of Regulatory Rules—Issuance No. 10

On May 15, 2024, the CSRC issued the "Guidelines for Application of Regulatory Rules—Issuance No. 10" ("Guideline No. 10") to regulate the information disclosure practices of iss💖uers and the verification work of intermediary 🐭institutions.
Guideline No. 10 primarily encompasses four sections: (1) Information disclosure requirements related to the basic information of the issuer: It mandates that issuers elucidate to investors the purposes of listing, the necessity of financing, the plans for the use of raised funds, and future development plans, among other aspects of their "listing perspective"; (2) Information disclosure requirements related to performance decline commitments: It stipulates that the controlling shareholders, actual controllers, and their concerted actors of the issuer can commit to extend the lock-up period of their shares if the net profit attributable to the parent company, after deducting non-recurring gains and losses, declines by more than 50% in the year of listing or the second and third years following listing compared to the year before listing; (3) Information disclosure requirements related to post-listing dividend policies: It specifies the requirements for disclosing profit distribution in the company's articles of association, the board of directors' deliberations on shareholder returns, cash dividend plans within three years post-listing, and long-term return plans; (4) Information disclosure requirements for unprofitable enterprises: It requires prudent disclosure of forward-looking information such as the anticipated timeframe for achieving profitability.
Haiwen Comments
Guideline No. 10 sets forth the requirements for information disclosure regarding issuers' fundraising, profitability, performance, and shareholder returns, aiming to ensure investors' right to be informed about the company's use of funds and performance.

3. CSRC Issued the Interim Provisions on Programmatic Trading in the Securities Market (Trial)

On May 15, 2024, the CSRC issued the "Interim Provisions on Programmatic Trading in the Securities Market (Trial)" ("Provisions"), which will be officially implemented from October 8, 2024. These Provisions establish comprehensive and systematic regulꦰations for the supervision of programmatic trading (commonly known as quantitative trading) in the seꦯcurities market.
The main contents of the Provisions include:
(1)Definition and General Requirements for Programmatic Trading: Programmatic trading refers to the activity of generating or executing trading instructions on a securities exchange through computer programs. Such activities must adhere to principles of fairness and must not compromise the security of the exchange system or disrupt normal trading order.
(2)Reporting Requirements: Investors engaging in programmatic trading must report basic account information, funding details, trading data, and software information as stipulated. The principle of "report first, trade later" must be followed, meaning programmatic trading can only proceed after fulfilling the reporting obligations.
(3)Trading Monitoring and Risk Control: Securities exchanges are required to conduct real-time monitoring of programmatic trading, with a focus on abnormal trading behaviors. Securities companies must take on customer management responsibilities, including entering into delegation agreements with clients for programmatic trading. Institutional investors such as securities companies, public fund managers, private fund managers, and qualified foreign investors must establish specific business management and compliance risk control policies for programmatic trading. This includes improving the audit and monitoring systems for programmatic trading instructions to prevent and control business risks.
(4)Information System Management: The Provisions clarify regulatory requirements for technical systems related to programmatic trading, including trading units, host hosting, and trading information system access.
(5)High-Frequency Trading Regulation: High-frequency trading is defined by characteristics such as a high number of orders and cancellations in a short time frame, and a high number of orders and cancellations within a single day. Investors must report relevant information before engaging in high-frequency trading. Securities exchanges can implement differentiated fees for high-frequency trading and impose focused regulatory measures on such activities.
(6)Regulatory Arrangements: Institutions and individuals involved in programmatic trading who violate relevant regulations will be subject to regulatory measures by stock exchanges, the Securities Association of China, and the AMAC. The CSRC and its dispatched agencies may also take regulatory actions or impose penalties according to the law.
(7)Cross-Border Regulatory Cooperation: Investors conducting programmatic trading through the Stock Connect mechanism between mainland and Hong Kong must comply with unified reporting requirements for both domestic and foreign capital. The exchanges will develop specific measures for cross-border regulatory cooperation to monitor abnormal trading behaviors.
Haiwen Comments
In the past six months, the CSRC and major stock exchanges have intensively issued regulations related to programmatic trading, reflecting the importance placed on the supervision of programmatic and high-frequency trading by regulators and stock exchanges. The issuance of the Provisions marks a new level of regulation in the field of programmatic and high-frequency trading in China's securities market. By clarifying pre-trade reporting systems and differentiated regulatory measures, the Provisions not only strengthen the monitoring of technical systems and trading behaviors but also lay the foundation for cross-border regulatory cooperation.

4. CSRC Issued the "Interim Measures for the Management of Shareholding Reduction by Shareholders of Listed Companies", and "Rules for the Management of Shares Held by Directors, Supervisors, and Senior Management of Listed Companies and Their Changes"; SSE and SZSE Issued Complementary Guidelines

On May 24, 2024, the CSRC issued the "Interim Measures for the Management of Shareholding Reductions by Shareholders of Listed Companies" (hereinafter referred to as the "Shareholding Reduction Measures") and the "Rules for the Management of Shares Held by Directors, Supervisors, and Senior Management of Listed Companies and Their Changes" (hereinafter referred to as the "Shareholding Change Rules"). These measures aim to enh⛦ance regulation, mitigate risks, and promote high-quality development of the capital market.
The Shareholding Reduction Measures, comprising thirty-one articles, primarily address the following:
(1) Regulating the shareholding reduction behavior of major shareholders, particularly controlling shareholders and actual controllers, by prohibiting Shareholding Reductions through centralized bidding or block trading under specific circumstances. Additionally, it introduces pre-disclosure obligations for major shareholders reducing shares through block trading and requires concerted actors to adhere to the same reduction restrictions.
(2) Preventing circumvention of shareholding reduction rules, such as imposing a six-month lock-up period following an agreement transfer and setting requirements for reductions in cases of judicial enforcement and pledge financing defaults.
(3) Detailing the responsibilities for violations of shareholding reduction regulations and reinforcing the obligations of listed companies and their board secretaries.
The main revisions to the Shareholding Change Rules include:
(1) Clarifying that the shareholdings of directors, supervisors, and senior management across all accounts, including those held under others' names, should be consolidated.
(2) Specifying prohibited reduction scenarios, such as when directors, supervisors, and senior management are subject to administrative penalties by the CSRC for securities and futures violations and have not fully paid fines, except when reduction funds are used to pay these fines.
(3) Preventing circumvention of reduction rules, such as requiring continuous adherence to original reduction restrictions following stock division due to divorce. Additionally, the prohibition window for trading company stocks has been shortened from 30 days to 15 days before the announcement of annual and semi-annual reports, and lawful share increases by directors, supervisors, and senior management are supported.
On the same day, the SSE and the SZSE issued complementary guidelines to align new and old rules, detailing specific reduction operations and regulatory aspects.
Haiwen Comments
The issuance of these two rules reflects the regulator's commitment to maintaining market order and protecting investor rights. By refining reduction regulations and enhancing information disclosure, market efficiency and transparency are improved, reducing market manipulation and insider trading. Additionally, the rules on trading prohibition windows and stock division due to divorce further clarify the responsibilities and obligations of directors, supervisors, and senior management, strengthening market rule enforcement. The support for lawful share increases by directors, supervisors, and senior management helps stabilize company stock prices and boosts investor confidence.

5. General Office of the Hainan Provincial Government Released the Action Plan for Accelerating Improvement of International Business Environment

On May 23, 2024, the General Office of the Hainan Provincial Government released the "Action Plan for Accelerating the Improvement of the International Business Environment" (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan"). The Action Plan aims to attract and facilitate foreign investment and promote the high-quality development of Hainan's economy through reforms in six key areas: market environment, trade and investment environment, government service environment, legal environment, cultural and ecological environment, and the assurance of production and operational factors.
The main content of the Action Plan is as follows:
(1) Establish a fair and open market environment aligned with high international standards: Benchmarking against high international standards for trade and economic rules, promoting institutional openness, optimizing market access, guiding foreign investment into key areas, and ensuring foreign-invested enterprises can compete equally in the market.
(2) Create a freer and more convenient trade and investment environment: Improve the "single window" service for international trade and investment, facilitate customs clearance, enhance cross-border investment and financing convenience, deeply implement the Qualified Foreign Limited Partner (QFLP) pilot program, expand QFLP fund investment channels, simplify foreign exchange registration, attract more QFLP funds, and organize investment promotion activities.
(3) Optimize an efficient and convenient government service environment for foreign investment: Streamline communication between government and enterprises, improve service platform construction, enhance the convenience of government services, provide multilingual services, and optimize the payment environment.
(4) Develop a legal environment suited to an open economic system: Implement laws and regulations on foreign investment, enhance the ability to resolve international commercial disputes, and improve intellectual property protection.
(5) Build a cultural and ecological environment conducive to foreign investment and living: Combine investment attraction with talent recruitment, strengthen public service guarantees, and offer diverse consumption choices.
(6) Strengthen the assurance of production and operational factors for foreign enterprises: Enhance services for the implementation of foreign investment projects, increase financial and tax support, and promote the safe and efficient cross-border flow of data elements.
Haiwen Comments
The Action Plan demonstrates Hainan's firm determination and clear direction in improving the international business environment. Through a series of specific measures, Hainan provides a fair, transparent, and efficient market environment for foreign enterprises. By strengthening the construction of the legal and cultural ecological environment, it enhances the confidence and attractiveness of foreign investment.

6. Department of Industry and Information Technology of Hainan Province Organized the Release of the Hainan Free Trade Port Digital Economy Promotion Regulations (Draft for Public Comments)

On May 14, 2024, the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Hainan Province released the Hainan Free Trade Port Digital Economy Promotion Regulations (Draft for Public Comments, hereinafter referred to as the "Draft Regulation"). The Draft Regulation enc🐓ompass the following core elements:
(1) Digital Infrastructure: Emphasizes the construction of next-generation mobile communication networks and fiber optic networks, the layout of onshore and submarine data centers, and promotes the co-construction and sharing of communication facilities with other infrastructure.
(2) Digital Industrialization: Fosters technological innovation, cultivates future industries such as artificial intelligence and the metaverse, and supports the development of the integrated circuit industry and software information technology services.
(3) Industrial Digitalization: Promotes the development of smart tourism, telemedicine, and digital financial service systems, and drives the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry.
(4) Data Elements: Advocates for the legal classification and graded management of data, promotes the conditional use of public data assets, and supports the establishment of data trading venues.
(5) Digital Economy Security and Governance: Establishes mechanisms for network security risk assessment and emergency response, and promotes the construction of smart ports.
(6) Policy Assurance: Proposes measures for financial support, talent policies, and international cooperation.
Additionally, the Draft Regulation proposes strengthening international cooperation, aligning with high-standard international trade and economic rules, and exploring mechanisms for cross-border data flow management.
Haiwen Comments

The Draft Regulation reflects Hainan's foresight and commitment to advancing the digital economy. The policies on infrastructure development, technological innovation, industrial digital transformation, and data element circulation are poised to attract domestic and international investment, fostering industrial upgrades and economic growth. Moreover, the emphasis on network security and data governance ensures the healthy development of the digital economy.

II Industry News

1. CSRC Released a Summary of 2023 Enforcement Actions

On May 15, 2024, the CSRC released a summary of its enforcement actions for the year 2023. Throughout the year, the CSRC investigated 717 cases of securities and futures violations, marking a 19% increase from the previous year. It issued 539 administrative penalties, up by 40%, and penalized 1,073 entities or individuals, a 43% rise. Additionally, 103 individuals were banned from the market, a 47% increase, and fines and confiscations amounted to 6.389 billion yuan, a 140% surge. The CSRC also referred 118 cases and clues of suspected securities and futures crimes to public security authorities.
The enforcement priorities for the CSRC in 2023 included: (1) Targeting the "key minority" to eradicate fraudulent issuance, financial fraud, and other "cancers" of the capital market, thereby enhancing the quality of listed companies; (2) Focusing on diligence and responsibility, reinforcing the duties of "gatekeepers," and urging intermediary institutions to improve their professional standards; (3) Maintaining a stringent enforcement stance against collusion, embezzlement, habitual offenders, illegal shareholding reduction, market manipulation, and insider trading to foster a fair, transparent, and predictable trading environment; (4) Vigilantly addressing violations across bonds, private equity, and futures markets, ensuring no blind spots or gaps in financial regulatory enforcement.

2. Hainan Free Trade Port's EF Account was Officially Launched

On May 6, 2024, the Hainan Free Trade Port's multifunctional free trade account (“EF Account”) was officially launched. Ten banks in Hainan received initial approval to operate the EF Account, successfully implementing the multifunctional free trade account system. By noon on the 6t🍒h, these ten banks had opened EF Accounts for 34 enterprises. The EF Accounts facilitated 34 transactions, totaling 284 million yuan, encompassing trade pa🧔yments and receipts, foreign investment, overseas loans, external debt, foreign exchange settlements, working capital loans, and letter of credit financing.

3. AMAC Released Cases Pertaining to Violations and Irregularities in Private Fund Sector

On May 15, 2024, the AMAC published a selection of typical cases based on recent self-regulatory inspections and disciplinary actions. The cases focus on issues such as improper benefit transfers, insufficient information disclosure, and violations of professional operation principles. The specific cases are summarized as follows:
Case 1: The actual controller and investment manager of Company A (a private securities investment fund manager) led the issuance of a private fund by Company A to raise funds. These funds were used to purchase low-liquidity, outstanding bonds in the secondary market at prices significantly below par value, thereby securing benefits for securities company employees.
Case 2: Company B (a private securities investment fund manager) provided financing services to Company C while concurrently using its private fund to purchase bonds issued by Company C. This activity, which clearly conflicted with its fund management responsibilities, was not disclosed as required.
Case 3: Company D (a private securities investment fund manager) signed consulting or service contracts with several urban investment platform companies through related parties. It used the managed private fund to subscribe to bonds issued by these platform companies, with related parties of Company D collecting consulting and service fees from the bond issuers.
Case 4: Company E (a private equity and venture capital investment fund manager) used funds transferred from district and county-level urban investment platform companies through its subsidiaries to purchase bonds issued by these platform companies via its own securities accounts, facilitating structured bond issuance and violating professional operation principles.
Case 5: Company H (a private securities investment fund manager) participated in the structured issuance of bonds, providing channel services and violating professional operation principles.
Case 6: Company J (a private equity and venture capital investment fund manager) signed business contracts with third-party institutions on behalf of its shareholder, facilitating structured bond issuance and violating professional operation principles.
In response to these violations, regulators have taken various measures, including written warnings, deadlines for rectification, public censure, suspension of fund record-filing, restrictions on business activities, and revocation of manager registrations.

The source of industry news in this article:

●  //www.csrc.gov.cn/csrc/c100028/c7480575/content.shtml
●  //mp.weixin.qq.com/s/jvUvuCBinnaGcGJYxzMnYg
●  //www.amac.org.cn/xwfb/tzgg/202405/t20240515_25546.html

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