

Haiwen Labor Law Bi-Monthly Newsletter(May-June, 2024)

Author: LIU, Yuxiang WU, Qiong





Quick View of New Regulations: Regulation on Disciplinary Actions Against the Management Personnel of State-Owned Enterprises was Issued to Regulate Disciplinary Actions Against Managers of State-Owned Enterprises


Quick View of New Regulations: The Supreme People's Court Released the Sixth Batch of Selected Q&As, Tianjin Municipality and Shandong Province Issued Local Regulations Involving Payment Methods and Insurance Benefits Regarding Work-Related Injury Insurance


Exploration of Typical Cases: Beijing Haidian District People’s Court and Xicheng District People’s Court Released Typical Cases of Labor and Personnel Disputes


Exploration of Typical Cases: Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court of Guangdong Province and Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court Released Typical Cases of Labor and Personnel Disputes


Exploration ofܫ Typical Cases: The Supreme People’s Procuratorate, Tianjin Municipality and Shanghai Municipality an⛄d other Several Different Regions Released Typical Labor Dispute Cases


Quick View of New Regulations: Regulation on Disciplinary Actions Against the Management Personnel of State-Owned Enterprises was Issued to Regulate Disciplinary Actions Against Managers of State-Owned Enterprises

On May 21, 2024, the State Council issued the Regulation on Disciplinary Actions Against the Management Personnel of State-owned Enterprises ("Regulation"), which will take effect on September 1, 2024. The Regulation, consisting of seven chapters and 52 articles, aims to regulate the disciplinary action for those personnel in managerial positions of state-owned enterprises (“SOE”) (“SOE Management Personnel”). Specifically:
The Regulation clarified the scope of application, following the definition of SOE Management Personnel set out in the Regulation on the Implementation of the Supervision Law of the PRCꦫ.&nb𝓰sp;The Regulation applies to the disciplinary action made by the “SOE Management Personnel appointment and removal organs and institutions”, which is different from the disciplinary actions made by the supervisory organ.
2. 《规章》归定了对国家中小型企业安全管理技术人员记过的用途及记过期等内容。《实施实施条例》第7条和第七条对处罚的常见及处罚期充分清晰,主要包括低于六类:禁告,6八八十一个月;记过,12八八十一个月;记大过,18八八十一个月;降职,24八八十一个月;撤职,24八八十一个月;劝退。对於“处罚期”,会按照《实施实施条例》第四十八条,国家企业公司菅理员受劝退或者的处罚,在处罚期间有悔改主要表现且未“再犯”事由的,处罚到期后处罚定时去掉,考虑、升迁等已不再受导致;但降低、撤职去掉后,不可以恢复原职务工资、职级、层次、职务和员工技能等级保护、职称评定、工资的待遇技能等级保护等。
The Regulation set out the types and the periods of disciplinary action against SOE Management Personnel. Article 7 and 8 of the Regulation specified the types and periods of disciplinary action, including the following six categories: warning for 6 month, recording of a demerit for 12 months, recording of a serious demerit for 18 months; demotion for 24 months; removal from office for 24 months; and discharge from employment. For the "disciplinary period", according to Article 37 of the Regulation, where a SOE Management Personn෴el subject to disciplinary action (other than discharge from employment) shows repentance during the period of disciplinary action, without committing another violation, the disciplinary action will be automatically lifted upon expiration of the period of disciplinary action. After a disciplinary action is lifted, promotion to a higher grade of the salary scale, a higher rank or post shall no longer be affected by the former disciplinary action. However, the lift of a disciplinary action for demotion to a lower rank or removal from office shall not thus be deemed as the reinstatement in the former rank or post.
3. 在相关的国家中ℱ小企业管理系统工人违纪和追究责任地方,《社会道德规范》将原散起于社会道德规范、党政压缩文件中的核心相关规定对其进行了分析🌜和分类别。《管控法规》将《政务服务质量记过法》三章并于情节严重经济要(三二10条)、情节严重组织结构执行程序(三10条)、情节严重清正廉洁要(三第十七条)、情节严重薪酬水平管控管理方法制(三十七条)、违纪主要从事亦或是操作营利性活跃(三16条)、侵害服务质量因素法律认可受教育权亦或是社会发展共同合法权益(三二10条)还有情节严重运行要(三十八条)等七类合法情况,具改成51项合法做法;并将《并于标准规范中央政府单位貿易方面管控请勿常见造假貿易方面的通知范文》不好确操作某一合法权益问题单位间开设的无商业地产为的的貿易方面销售(三条)、不好确开设不管什么组织形式的募资性貿易方面(第4条)等合法情况在管控法规中展开了浑然一体和制定。
Regarding the illegal activities and accountability of SOE Management Personnel, the Regulation organized and categorized the main provisions previously scattered across laws, regulations, and party and government documents. The Regulation set out 51 specific illegal behaviors based on the seven types of violations outlined in Chapter 3 of the Law on Administrative Sanctions for Public Officials, including violations of political requirements (Article 28), organizational procedures (Article 30), integrity requiremen🐟ts (Article 33), salary management systems (Article 35), engaging in or participating in profit-making activities (Article 36), infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of service recipients or the public interest (Article 38), and work requirements (Article 39). Additionally, the Regulation echoed and clarified the illegal activities specified in the Notice on Regulating Trade Management of Central Enterprises and Prohibiting Various Forms of False Trade, such as prohibiting trade activities with no commercial purpose between enterprises with specific interest relationships (Article 2) and prohibiting any form of financing trade (Article 4).
It is noteworthy that, to ensure the compliance of the Labor Contract Law and other relevant labor laws during the implementation of the Regulation, SOEs may consider incorporating (or referring to) the illegal behaviors and corresponding sanctions stipulated in the Regulation into their internal rules and policies, in order to align with the rules under the labor laws that permit the termination of employment for serious violations of the employer's policies.


Quick View of New Regulations: The Supreme People's Court Released the Sixth Batch of Selected Q&As, Tianjin Municipality and Shandong Province Issued Local Regulations Involving Payment Methods and Insurance Benefits Regarding Work-Related Injury Insurance

1. 是最高的老百姓人民检察院更新《法答网选择答问(最后批)》

The Supreme People's Court Released the Sixth Batch of Selected Q&As
The Supreme People's Court released the sixth batch of selected Q&As on June 13, 2024, in which Question 2 was "if employers and employees have concluded two consecutive fixed-term employment contracts, does the employer have the right to choose to renew the open-ended employment contract after the expiration of the term?" Reply of the Supreme People's Court considered that the right of employees to renew an open-ended employment contract should be protected when the conditions for concluding an open-ended employment contract as stipulated in Article 14 of the Employment Contracts Law have been met, and that if the employer does not agree to the renewal of the contract, the employer shall bear the legal consequences of unlawful termination or continuation of the performance of the contract.

2. 重庆发表有关伤残稳妥支出工资待遇的区域性设定

Tianjin Municipality issued local regulations on the payment methods and insurance benefits related to work-related injury insurance
The Tianjin MOHRSS issued the Notice on Further Clarifying Issues Relating to the Payment of Work-Related Injury Insurance Benefits ("Notice") in June 2024. The Notice focuses on common issues regarding the payment of work-related injury insurance benefits, and is intended to be used as a reference for dealing with work-related injury insurance benefit dispute cases in Tianjin.
The Notice provided detailed explanations on several issues, including employers' failure to timely participate in work-related injury insurance for its employees, employers’ suspension on the contribution of work-related injury insurance after its employees are covered by the work-related injury insurance, employers' failure to fully / timely contribute work-related injury insurance as required by law, adjustments to work-related injury insurance benefits when the disability grade of an injured employee changes upon re-examination, benefits for employees who suffer multiple work-related injuries, and the calculation of "individual wages" in work-related injury insurance benefits. The Notice offered substantial guidance and reference for employers in Tianjin in handling work-related injury insurance benefits and related matters.

3. 贵州发布消息其他行业人士单保险服务参加国公伤保险服务的地儿性暂行规定

Shandong Province issued local provisions on participation in work-related injury insurance for specific employees with the single insurance type
On May 30, 2024, the Shandong MOHRSS and seven other departments issued the Measures for the Participation of Specific Workers such as Over-Age Personnel and Intern Students in Work-Related Injury Insurance (“Measures”), to further spread the risk of work-related injuries in various types of employers and to promote the full coverage of work-related injury insurance for the occupational groups, which will be implemented as of July 1, 2024. The Measures include four categories of personnel under the coverage of work-related injury insurance, including over-age personnel, internship students of vocational colleges/universities and trainees of apprenticeship units over the age of 16, postgraduate students undergoing resident standardization training, and domestic helpers.
In addition, Zhejiang Province, Shanghai Municipality, Hainan Province, Chongqing Municipality, and Anhui Province have also issued similar policies on the participation of non-labor relations in industrial injury insurance, and you may refer to the “”.


Exploration of Typical Case: Beijing Haidian District People’s Court and Xicheng District People’s Court Released Typical Cases of Labor and Personnel Disputes
On May 16, 2024, Beijing Haidian District People’s Court held a press conference on "White Paper on Labor and Personnel Dispute Trials (2020-2023)". During the event, eight typical cases of labor and personnel disputes from 2020 to 2023 were presented. The cases involved common issues such as the connection between adjudication and trial, the determination of whether the employment in Mainland of China by individuals from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao constitutes a labor relationship, pre-departure occupational health examinations for employees, advance notice for termination of labor contracts, remote work, dismissal of employees after the expiration of medical leave, and non-compete agreements between employers and employees. Among these, we believe the following cases merit special attention:
1. 劳作者预先移除届满,用人之长部门逃避发放工作任务交接,劳作者应由要证明劳作密切关系就移除。职工者开始30日向某机构递交提出辞职数据后,某机构拖拖拉拉申领任务交接,职工者传出去的30天抢先接除期限之日起届至时,有两人职工联系接除的法令严重后果。
Upon the expiration of the notice period for termination initiated by the employee, if the employer delays the handover process, the employee has the right to request confirmation that the labor relationship has been terminated. After the employee submitted a resignation letter to a company 30ꦫ days in advance, the company delayed the handover process. When the 30-day notice period expired, the legal consequence of the terminati🐽on of the labor relationship between the two parties occurred.
2. 留人机构有着劳动课力力安全经营权,生活辦公情況下,劳动课力者仍应依从留人机构的法定程序劳动课力力安全经营,在工作的日期内正确保证劳动课力。某工司拟定全体师生职员家庭装修辦公,在职员工者未遵守规则某工司对于“业务时期在辦公软件下载中立即回话工司内容,不低于2次文书提示信息将责成辞退”的规则,执行局认准选拔人才部门以严重的违法行为工司在职员工组织纪律性为由与在职员工者缓解在职员工关联适宜准许。
The employer has its right to manage the employment, and employees working from home are still required to comply with the employer's lawful management of employment and provide labor normally during working hours. A company arranged for all employees to work from home. An employee failed to comply with the company's regulation that required "immediate response to company messages on the office software during working hours, with dismissal after more than two written warnings." The court found that the employer's termination of the labor relationship with the employee on the grounds of serious violation of company labor discipline was reasonable and lawful.
3. 公民课者因患有布尔代数因工负伤,医药到期后没有专业对口原业务时,用人之长行业时要依照公民课者的全身现状给公民课者再行确定业务职业。某工司在操作者医药满期后未额外确定操作主岗,仅以操作者都存在医药满期后再继续上交假条的做法,马上推定操作者必需无法跨专业用人之长行业额外确定的操作,径行辞退操作者,结构违反规定接除操作相关。
When employees are unable to perform their original job due to illness or non-work-related injury after the expiration of the medical treatment period, the employer should first arrange another job position for the employee based on their physical condition. A company, after the expiration of the employee's medical treatment period, did not arrange another job position and directly presumed that the employee could not perform the newly arranged job based solely on the employee's continued submission of medical leave notes. The company then proceeded to dismiss the employee, which constitutes an unlawful termination of the labor relationship.
In addition, on July 1, 2024, Beijing Xicheng District People’s Court concluded the first case applying the accelerated maturity rule under the 2023 revised Company Law ("New Company Law"). The case was adjudicated in accordance with the Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on the Temporal Effect of the Application of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, and applied Article 54 of the New Company Law. Under this provision, in situations where a company is unable to repay its due debts, the company or the creditors of the due debts have the right to demand that shareholders who have subscribed but not yet paid their capital contributions to pay their contributions in advance. The application of the accelerated maturity rule under the New Company Law in this case demonstrates significant progress in China’s efforts to legally protect creditors’ interests and balance the rights of creditors and shareholders.

四、基本特征装修 装修案例:杭州省深圳市中院及东莞中院正式发布劳动就业引起争议安件基本特征装修 装修案例

Exploration of Typical Case: Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court of Guangdong Province and Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court Released Typical Cases of Labor and Personnel Disputes
On May 1, 2024, Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court of Guangdong Province released six typical labor dispute cases. On May 16, 2024, Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court of Guangdong Province held a press conference to release the "White Paper on the Adjudication of Labor Dispute Cases by Guangzhou Courts and Typical Cases," and published ten typical labor dispute cases. Among these, we believe the following cases merit special attention:
1. 某物产新工厂《车朋友服务管理工作工作奖惩制度管理》载明车朋友累计额寄来新工厂禁告信2次(含)这的是指难治触范新工厂条例工作工作奖惩制度管理。该新工厂以某驾车员入职培训后近5年会出现回绝新工厂运货按排等情况共寄来3次禁告信为由清除了劳作力课装修签订合同。检查院觉得精力要件是“求和式会举报”工作工作奖惩制度管理也能注册成立的必须环境,而该工作工作奖惩制度管理未布置会举报执行期、未付出劳作力课者改正和消减对与错的的概率,过多严格要求,故确认新工厂是指非法清除劳作力课装修签订合同。
The Driver Management System of a materials company stipulates that drivers who receive three or more warning letters from the company cumulatively are considered to have seriously violated the company's rules and regulations. The company terminated the labor contract with a driver who had received three warning letters over nearly four years for refusing dispatch orders of the company and other behaviors. The court held that the temporal requirement is a necessary condition for the "cumulative punishment" system to be valid. Since the system did not set a punishment period and did not provide the employee with an opportunity to correct and eliminate the misconduct, it was deemed excessively harsh. Therefore, the court determined that the company had unlawfully terminated the labor contract.
2. 某企业选择人员跳槽的一企业自身的身份资讯祖册及身份证实名制认证注册登记资质证书了自广播媒体软件企业证券银行帐户,企业以该人员跳槽跳槽后未向企业交还该微信账号类的为由提出赔付市场经济发展财产亏损资金。执行局证书企业证券银行帐户系人员跳槽选择一企业自身资讯身份证实名制认证注册登记资质证书,企业应当首选办受贿企业证券银行帐户身份证实名制认证注册登记资质证书的更变的手续或重拾开户新的民商主题企业证券银行帐户并完毕企业证券银行帐户內容的渗透,人员跳槽为保险企业自身的权益及防止法规投资风险而未将受贿微信账号类的交予企业拥有正值方式并无个错误,不用向企业赔付市场经济发展财产亏损资金。
A company used an employee's personal identification information to register and verify a social media platform account. The company claimed compensation for economic losses on the grounds that the employee did not return the account to the company after resignation. The court determined that the account was verified by using the employee's personal information. The company should first handle the change of real-name verification for the account in question or open a new commercial entity account and complete the migration of account content. The employee had justifiable reasons and no fault for not handing over the account to the company, as it was to protect his own rights and avoid legal risks. Therefore, the employee is not required to compensate the company for economic losses.
3. 企业业务人员在辞职前故意打探了装修品牌出纳部去年同期度需不需要有年度奖,在出纳部了解回复不能年度奖后面企业业务人员与装修品牌签约《解绑劳动力课补充意向书意向书书》。但在企业业务人员辞职后,装修品牌向企业业务人员原行政部门的职企业业务人员颁发了去年同期度的年度奖。朝廷我认为《解绑劳动力课补充意向书意向书书》中“不存有各种未支付行业行业应付款”的规定,系企业业务人员特征提取装修品牌误导性后呈现的错误操作认得,隶属于严重好心办坏事,法院判决注销该规定条款英文,装修品牌需给企业业务人员支付行业行业去年同期度的年度奖。
Before resigning, an employee specifically inquired with the company's finance department about whether there was a year-end bonus for the previous year. After the finance department explicitly replied that there was no year-end bonus, the employee signed the "Agreement on Termination of Labor Contract" with the company. However, after the employee's resignation, the company issued the previous year's year-end bonus to the employees who remained in the employee's original department. The court held that the clause in the "Agreement on Termination of Labor Contract" stating "there are no other unpaid amounts" was based on the employee's misunderstanding induced by the company's misleading information, constituting a significant misunderstanding. The court ruled to rescind this clause, and the company was required to pay the employee the previous year's year-end bonus.


Exploration of Typical Case: The Supreme People’s Procuratorate, Tianjin Municipality and Shanghai Municipality and other Several Different Regions Released Typical Labor Dispute Cases
On May 21, 2024, "Procuratorate Daily · Mirror Weekly" of the Supreme People's Procuratorate published three cases where key personnel in private enterprises were convicted of the crime of embezzlement for infringing on the interests of their companies. The cases demonstrated that employees embezzled company assets through false contracts and entrusted payment methods, siphoned company funds by setting up fictitious companies and inflating transaction steps, and engaged in "buy low and sell high" schemes to earn price differences. These actions severely infringed on the interests of the enterprises and constituted the crime of embezzlement.
On June 6, 2024, the Tianjin Higher People's Court and the Tianjin MOHRSS jointly released typical cases of labor and personnel disputes. These cases involve issues such as paid annual leave for new employees in their first year, the arbitration limitation period for cases confirming labor relationships, the determination of double wages for failing to renew a written labor contract with a HR and administrative officer, the recognition of overtime for employees working online on rest days, the criteria for determining violations of non-compete obligations, and the recognition of labor relationships for online streamers.
On June 13, 2024, the Shanghai Higher People's Court released the "Top Ten Typical Cases Involving People's Livelihood in Shanghai Courts for 2023." In Case 1, a company was found to have committed employment discrimination by canceling the employment of an employee due to hepatitis B, thereby infringing on the employee's right to equal employment. In Case 6, where the employee and the company had agreed on installment payments of wages but the company did not acknowledge this agreement during the trial, the debt acceleration rule could be applied.
On June 21, 2024, Kunshan People's Court of Jiangsu Province held a press conference to release the "Top Ten Typical Cases of Labor and Personnel Dispute Adjudication for 2023," covering issues such as employment discrimination, the determination of labor remuneration standards, the reasonable boundaries for adjusting work locations, and the eligible subjects for applying non-compete obligations.
202多年6月27日,银川中院联办市人社局、市总企业工会相互发布资讯劳功引起争议举例真实案例,密切相关择人标准提升免费体验期是一种私自約定免费体验期,并且 劳功者给出伪造资讯试用期,标准应在恰当时限内迅速调查核实等关键的劳功法事情。
On June 27, 2024, Xi'an Intermediate People's Court, in conjunction with the Xi’an MOHRSS and the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, jointly released typical labor dispute cases. These cases involve key labor law issues such as the illegality of employers extending the probation period beyond the agreed terms, and the requirement for employers to promptly verify false information provided by employees within a reasonable period.

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